Chapter 31

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"How are you liking the apartment?" Thane asked as Mina lay on the couch with several datapads.

"I'm surprised you were able to get one at all," replied Mina not looking up from her work.

"I have several contacts on the Citadel that owe me a few favors," Thane replied going to the kitchen and grabbing a drink.

"Well it's better than my original hiding spot," Mina said. "Anything is better than that small space."

"It wouldn't be a good hideout if your intentions were to hide," he teased. "If you wanted to be found, that space would have been perfect."

Mina rolled her eyes at him. She couldn't believe that a drell had a sense of humor. Mina always believed that they were stone-cold killers, Thane was something else entirely.

"As an assassin, I'm sure you know all about hiding spots," Mina commented without any malice in her words.

"Speaking of which," Thane started. "I hear you're being looked for."

Mina continued working on the bypass device like she didn't hear him at all.

My information also concurs, SAM commented. This drell sure knows a lot about what's going on.

"There's a krogan and a turian noising around the Citadel."

"I'm assuming they found the apartment and Vakarian's place empty," Mina replied. "Otherwise they wouldn't risk asking around for me."

"I don't understand why you hide when you can become invisible to any system," Thane admitted. "You even had me fooled."

"There are those who would rather see me dead," Mina explained for the hundredth time. "Until I know who it is, no one can know about me."

"If that's the case," Thane replied. "I wouldn't trust that Vakarian character."

That comment got Mina to stop what she was doing and gave the Drell a very long look. She didn't think that Garrus would betray her but then again since she had taken the role as Mina, Mina had seen another part of Garrus that surprised her.

Garrus had begun to be highly protective over clearing "Asters's name". His behavior was something she had not anticipated. Mina didn't understand why he was acting the way he was since it was he who had rejected her, to begin with.

It must be the guilt, SAM inputted. With Commander Shepard's disappearance and rumors about her loyalty; something must have changed within him.

I don't see how that is possible Mina replied. But I can't pretend to understand his feelings. If I did, things may be different.

"What do you mean by that?" Mina asked cautiously. "Are you suggesting he has betrayed me?"

"He's been making inquiries that have begun drawing attention to things you don't want to draw attention to," Thane replied. "My contacts tell me that something may be happening soon."

"It could be," Mina agreed knowing she couldn't tell him any more information for his safety.

It had been a coincidence that she had run into him the way she did. It all happened the same day she had found a place to stay.


I don't think it's a good idea to stay here, SAM commented as they returned from their evening meal. This place feels like it's used by many.

Have you done any scans? Mina asked settling down on the sleeping bag she had brought with her.

Scans don't show anything, SAM replied. There are traces of usage from this area but nothing is definite.

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