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Today is my first day at school, my alarm goes off so I switch it off and go back to a light sleep. Then probably an hour later Aria comes into my room and wakes me up which obviously pisses me off because I only got four house sleep. I slowly get out of bed and make my way to my closet I wear ripped mum jeans and an oversized jumper. I put on my usual chains an rings and do simple make up, I curl my hair and brush through it. My mum shouts at me from downstairs so I get my checkered vans bag with the very little things I have in it and go downstairs.

"Hurry up we are late" Aria says

"Ok and I'm always late. If it bothered you that much you would have walked to school" I say

"We both know I wouldn't have" she says

"All I need to do I get my shoes on, takes some meds and grab something to eat" I say

"Ok I'll go wait in the car" she says and I hand her my car keys

I get a glass of water and take the medication I need to and put my shoes on. I get my lunch from the fridge and put it in my bag along with a pre-made fruit bowl. I go to the grade and walk round to my side of the car.

"Come on get out you know I wouldn't let you drive to school" I say

"It was worth a shot" Aria says as she gets out and gets in the passenger side. I turn the car on and put my bag in the back.

"Wanna get Dunkin on the way" I ask Aria

"Sure why not its not like we aren't already late enough" Aria says sarcastically

"Ok fine we won't go" I say as I pull out of the garage

I drive us to school and there's no traffic so we get there in about fifteen minutes. Aria goes straight to homeroom and I go to the office to get my time table. Then I head to my homeroom, I get in and my usual teacher isn't there. I go to the back and sit next to Sydney, I keep my bag on the table.

"Is that a sub" I ask Sydney and she nods

"Why are you late" the sub asks

"Because I woke up late" I say

"I haven't seen you all week are you a new student" He asks again

"No I've been to this school since freshman year" I say "Are you knew, I haven't seen you before"

"Yes I've only worked here for about a month" He says "So where have you been this week"

"Well, last week I was at this special place and they said I didn't have to come here until today" I say "Whats your name" I ask

"Mr Cooper. Where was you and don't give me a silly answer again" he says

"Like I said I was at a special place, its called the psych ward of a hospital" I say

"Ok can you step outside for me" Mr Cooper asks

"No thanks I'm good here" I say

"If you don't step out then I will get a teacher to come get you" He say

I don't answer and get out my fruit bowl, I start eating and talking to Sydney. Then my favourite teacher from the office arrives, I get my bag and go to the office. I sit in the waiting area and eat my fruit bowl until the principle asks me into their office. I put my bag down and take a seat.

"Hi Miss Killagon how have you been" I ask

"I've been great, how are you doing Ashton" She asks. Miss Killagon is my favourite teacher, she is the only one who cared when I was struggling and offered to help.

Broken - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now