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Its a week since Payton and Sydney were at my house and me and Payton started dating. I wake up in the basemen, I've slept here most nights. The tv is on and when I look up and Payton is on the sofa. He is just chilling there on his phone, I grab mine from my side and scroll through social media before sitting up. I walk over to the mini fridge and grab some water before sitting next to Payton.

"What are you doing here" I question him

"You asked me to take you to therapy today" he replies

"That's not until like the afternoon its like ten in the morning which is way to early by the way" I complain

"Yeah but if I wasnt hear you wouldn't have woken up until an hour before then you would be too tiered to go and would have probably cancelled" he says, I roll my eyes at him because I know he is right and I cant be bothered to argue.

I get up off the sofa and walk away, I go upstairs to my room and lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling for a couple minutes before getting off my bed. I walk over to my closet and stare at my clothes while I plan an out fit. I grab black jean shorts a white crop top and a grey flannel, I lay the clothes on my bed and walk into the bathroom. I start the shower and let it till it warm while I get what I need and get undressed. I step into the shower and start playing my music. While I'm singing Kiwi by Harry Styles there is a knock at the door.

"Who is it" I shout over the music

"Its Payton, I'm ordering food do you want my usual" Payton asks shouting through the door

"Yeah please, can you also get me a red bull" I ask him

"Ok, it will be here in twenty minutes" he says

I don't answer because I'm pretty sure I hear him walk away from the door. I quickly finish up in the shower and get out. I go to my room expecting Payton to be in there but he's not, he is probably be downstairs. I get dressed, put on basic makeup and put on rings and necklaces. I go downstairs and the food is here, paying hands me mine and we sit on the sofa while we eat.

"Thank you for breakfast" I say as pick up the rubbish, I walk to the kitchen and put it in the bin and Payton follows me.

"No problem, we have an hour or so before we should leave. What do you wanna do" Payton asks as he leans on the counter crossing his arms over his chest.

"Go to the basement and listen to music" I say before walking out the kitchen

Payton follows me to the basement, I put Spotify on the tv and let Payton pick a playlist. To my surprise he pick the one direction one, he probably put it on because he knew how much I liked it. I go over and make the bed, I also put the cushions back on the sofa and just tidy the basement all around. Once that was all done I sat net to him and go on my phone , I take some selfies with him and save them. I might post them on my Instagram later. We stay in the basement until its time for lunch.

"Mum we're going out for lunch then I'm going therapy, I'll see you later" I shout upstairs to my mum

"Ok, love you bye" She shouts back

Me and Payton leave, we take his car because I like his better than mine. He connects to the aux and plays Machine Gun Kelly. We agree on going to McDonalds for lunch, I get a quarter pounder meal with a mcflurry. We sit in the carpark and eat while talking with music in the background. Once we are finished we stay in the car park for a little while before Payton drives me to therapy. When we get there Payton parks and I don't get out of the car.

"I don't want to go in" I say sitting there staring out of the windscreen

"Why not, whats wrong" Payton asks looking at me

"Nothing I just can't be bothered for today, but I know if I dont go then they will contact my mum" I say

"Exactly so just go in and get it over with , I'll be out here waiting for you when you get out" Payton encourages me

I get out of the car and walk inside the building, I go to the receptionist and tell her who I am and she lets me into the waiting area. I wait for about five to ten minutes before the door opens to my therapists office. I stand up and he holds the door open for me, I go in and sit on the sofa.

"Hi Ashton, how have you been recently" Dr Reid asks as he sits down

"I have been good, my medication has been working and there have been no urges" I tell him and I mean every single word

"That is excellent, I was looking over your file and there was mentions of an eating disorder" Reid says "you don't have to if you don't want to but I was thinking we could talk about it"

"Yeah that's fine, I'm used to telling new doctors and stuff" I say

"Ok so how are you handling it at the moment, are you doing good" he asks

"I'm in recovery and its going well I haven't binged in months and the only time I skip a meal is when I don't wake up in time to eat breakfast. I like to sleep in" I tell him

"That is good, do you ever think about it or find it hard not to back to your old ways" he questions

"I do think about it sometime, only because I don't want to go back like that. It was a really bad tome in my life and I hated it. I have been coping well so I haven't wanted to go back to my old ways" I say

We talk about for pretty much the whole hour apart from the end we do the 'get to know each other' thing. When the session is over we say goodbye and he walks me to the door and holds it open, when I leave there is someone else waiting. We smile as we pass each other and I leave. I say goodbye to the receptionist and walk out of the building, I see Paytons car is still parked in the same spot that it was in when I entered. I smile as I walk to thecar and get in.

"How was it" Payton asks as I put my seatbelt on

"It wasnt as bad as I thought it would be" I say and I tell him all about it on the drive home

Broken - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now