Call Me Dumb - Chapter One

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Chapter One

A week later and everything was set, I had thought more about my slightly delusional but genius plan and had eventually explained it all to my extremely bewildered parents. At first they'd been hesitant - not just at the idea of me leaving my home for my senior year of high school, but also at the idea that I'd be pretending to be something that I'm not. They kept going on about them not wanting me to lose myself, whatever that meant - but eventually had warmed up to the idea when I expressed how important it was for me to get into Harvard.

My mother had called her sister, making sure she wouldn't mind me staying with her before she even bothered trying to talk a local high school into it. Aunt Nina was ecstatic; she thought it was the most brilliant idea since the creation of BlackBerry's. And she was also excited at the thought of me staying with her. She'd even gone down to the closest high school and explained the situation with my mother on speaker phone going into more detail.

The principal was very sceptical at first, but when mum had gotten my current high school to fax over all of my test scores and report cards, he decided to ask the school board, who - after some persuading from both Aunt Nina and my parents, including a small donation on Aunt Nina's behalf - agreed that it would be acceptable if it was for my college applications.

Then I had to go over it a third time, explaining the whole thing to my sister. She was, less supportive. Being one of the Barbie's herself, she thought it was 'undermining to their cliques'. And that is exactly what she said, word for word. I know, I don't believe we're blood related either.

But I had gotten onto my hands and knees and pleaded for her to help me, seeing as how I needed her help not only on the appearance aspect of things, but also with the social part of it all. I have always been a loner, and, as some may call me, a nerd. But that was all about to change.

"So, why do you use eyeliner on your lips?" I asked for the fifth time.

"Oh, my, God!" Sierra said over-dramatically. She sighed heavily and looked back up at me with a forced smile. "It is not eyeliner, it is lip liner," she explained slowly.

"Soooo, you use lip liner on your eyes?" I asked.

"Oh my God! I cannot do this! I just, I can't, it's too much!" she cried hysterically to our mother, who laughed.

"Honey, calm down," my mum told my little sister, rubbing her arm. "Now, why don't you just go with the simplest of makeup, you know? The natural look, it'll be easier for Cass." Sierra looked horrified at our mother's suggestion.

"Do you seriously think that the least amount of makeup possible is going to make that popular?" she demanded, gesturing to me over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes; it wasn't anything I hadn't heard before. My fifteen year old sister was one of the most popular girls in her year, and absolutely gorgeous, without the ten tonne of makeup she slapped on every day. It was simple, she had gotten the looks, and I had gotten all the brains.

"I mean, it just defies logic," she breathed, further proving my point.

"Okay!" I yelled out. "Can we please stop acting like I'm not in the room?" I asked. "I have gotten straight A's every year since the teachers started grading me, I think I can understand what makeup goes where," I chuckled. They both stared at me. "Okay, so I have no idea," I admitted, slumping against the bed.

"Mum I can't do this!" Sierra sobbed.

"Man up soldier," mum told her sympathetically as she walked out and shut the door behind her.

"Okay, I can do this. I am a strong, independent woman," Sierra chanted. I snorted, and she glared at me. "I wouldn't make fun of me if I were you," she said.

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