Call Me Dumb - Chapter Eight

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Hey guys, I know, I know, I took forever to upload, I'm sorry! I had a total case of writers block, and just a lack of inspiration because of course this chapter had the introduction of the infamous Lexi, and I really didn't want to give too much away where she's concerned yet. So even though it took forever, I hope you enjoy it!

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Chapter Eight

I stalked into the cafeteria to find Tansy waiting at the end of the line looking around for something, when her eyes set on me and she waved, I realised it was me she was looking for. I forced a smile on my face and told myself not to take my dark mood out on anyone else but the person who deserved it, and maybe not even him. I clenched my teeth together in an effort not to start ranting about Greyson and his stupid know-it-all attitude. He was a jerk and I wasn’t going to let him bring me down. This was my first day, I was meant to be excited and worried about trying to fit in as a popular girl, not dragging my feet around with a dark cloud over my head all day.

“Hey Cassie!” Tansy cried when I met up with her. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into the line, pushing her way past people who were already there. They didn’t seem to care though; they just smiled and moved out of her way. Wow, everybody must really like her, although it didn’t surprise me, she seemed to be very sweet. So what was the catch? Was she going to get me to trust her and then surprise me with her cannibalism? Don’t be so paranoid, I told myself, she’s not going to eat you... That’s more Lexi’s style. Great, now even my own mind was psyching me out. Stupid Maddy.

“How did art go?” Tansy questioned.

“Alright,” I said shortly. She seemed to notice something was wrong and her eyes narrowed as they scanned over my face. She must have seen the anger in my blue eyes and how my mouth was pressed into a thin line, because she frowned; her brow creased in concern.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I said quickly, shaking my head.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Where’s Greyson?” she asked. My teeth ground together so loudly that I was surprised she didn’t hear. God, why are you getting yourself so worked up about this Cassie? He’s a jerk; you’ve been dealing with them your whole life, just let it go! I told myself, not that it helped.

“I don’t know,” I responded quietly. Either she wasn’t as nosy as I’d previously thought or she realised this had something to do with him and didn’t want to know, because she fixed a smile on her face and started pointing out the cafeteria food I should stay away from.

“Hey Tans,” a voice said. I turned to see a guy with long, shaggy, chestnut hair beaming down at Tansy as though she was all that was good in the world.

“Hi Sean,” she replied happily, barely sparing him a second glance. His smile fell, and his happy expression turned to one of pure disappointment. He turned to me and smiled cheerfully, but it didn’t reach his eyes like before.

“Hey, you must be the girl with the killer arm that Ethan’s been raving about all day,” he said, holding his hand out to me.

“Oh, Cassie,” I said, shaking his hand.

“Nice to meet you Cassie, I’m Sean. Are you sitting with us?” he asked as he joined the line and started piling his plate up with chilli-dogs and fries.

“Of course she is,” Tansy said as though it were the most ridiculous question ever. His smile fell again and I tried my best to give him a reassuring smile. He just shrugged, as if to say ‘what are you gonna do?’  I had to admire him for it, I mean he obviously liked her and she was completely clueless and a little distant to him, it had to be hard on him; I know it was for me all those years.

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