Chapter Nine

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Hey, I'm late, and it's not edited, don't kill me!!! XD Anywho, a lot of you were asking me for more Greyson, so I think you'll be very pleased with this chapter *hint hint* XD Vote, comment, fan, sing a song, hum a tune, whatever takes your fancy! But most importantly, enjoy my lovelies!

Chapter Nine

Ethan was lucky we had P.E. That’s all I can say. Tansy and I caught him walking out of the guys’ bathroom after our ‘gossip sesh’ as she called it, wearing his gym shorts, holding his jeans out and swaying them to try and dry the fabric.

“Did you try the hand dryer in there?” I asked him. He pulled a face at me, still swaying his jeans.

“I wouldn’t touch that thing with a twenty foot pole,” he informed me. I frowned and grabbed his jeans, going back into the girls’ bathroom and switching on the hand dryer, holding the wet part of his jeans under the nozzle. Tansy stood holding the door ajar and I watched as Ethan snaked his head around the corner like he thought he was James Bond before straightening up and casually waltzing in.

“Wha- Hey!” I yelled at him as he surveyed his surroundings with scrutinizing eyes.

“This is the girls’ bathroom! Get out you dingus!” Tansy hissed at him. I snapped my mouth shut and peered around Ethan at her.

“‘Dingus’?” I asked.

“Well, he is!” she defended. I shook my head and turned my attention back to Ethan, who was now looking in each of the toilet stalls.

“Uh, Ethan?” I asked warily.

“Yah?” he asked, turning and looking at me with a curious expression.

“Watchay doin’?” I sung, pointing to our surroundings.

“Research,” he stated, nodding.

“‘Research’,” I repeated.

“Yup,” he nodded, popping the ‘p’.

“On what exactly?” I asked when he didn’t elaborate.

“The female species,” he stated seriously. Tansy let out a loud, exasperated sigh and dramatically flopped back against the door.

“Really?” I asked, a sceptical eyebrow raised.

“How come it’s so clean in here?” he asked. I frowned at him, I knew he was a bit of a ‘dumb blonde’ himself, but I mean come on.

“Because it’s a high school bathroom?” I suggested. “As in it’s meant to be hygienic,” I elaborated when he threw me a look one usually reserves for crazy people.

“Ours isn’t,” he said, his nose scrunched up as though he were imagining the smell all over again.

“I can imagine,” I said, turning back to the task at hand. He wandered over to me and chuckled when he reached me.

“What is it Ethan?” I asked with a sigh as I straightened out the fabric with my hands.

“Nothin’,” he chirped happily. “Just didn’t realize you’d be touching my crotch so soon, I had no idea how you felt about me Cass,” he said thoughtfully, slinging an arm across my shoulder. I turned to look at his lazy grin and sparkling blue eyes.

“Do you want me to drench these completely under the sink?” I asked, holding the jeans up.

“No thank you,” he said, his face falling into a pout as he stepped away from me.

“That’s what I thought,” I smiled innocently.

“Hurry up Cassie it’s almost-” Tansy was cut off by the bell ringing out.

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