⌘ Bite

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I need answers. I want answers. And Dean is proving hard to get. There's only one other person Dean seems to trust in this place; Ruth.

I walk to the showers in hope of catching her there, to my luck I find her slouched against her usual chair. I approach her cautiously.

"Hi Ruth," I say politely closing my shower curtain. "Well hello again, Lena," she responds.

"How long have you known Dean?" Okay so I'm not as discreet as I intended to be.

"Oh well, since he was a boy, when he first came here was quiet. Didn't like to eat much, I had to sneak him in some food cause I was scared the poor boy was gon' starve to death," Ruth explains.

"Do you know why he was convicted?" I ask shivering as the cold water runs through my hair.

"Well, when I first met him he wouldn't talk much, he was the youngest I ever saw in here. He was just a boy. They said that he had to be contained, that he had problems," Ruth sighs. "But I knew that he couldn't do any harm, the other kids would pick on him. When I first saw him he had nothing but sadness in his eyes and I knew I had to take that boy under my wing."

"When he finally warmed up to me he balled his eyes out. He would keep crying 'Emilia.' I had no idea who she was but he would cry her name continuously. I asked him what happened and I think he might have done something to that girl," she tells me, again not really giving me any specific answers.

The three minute shower rule was long gone and I had to leave. "Thank you, please don't tell him him I've asked you these questions," I plead. She merely nods and I mutter my thanks before heading out.

Hastily, I walk away from the shower area, my towel tightly around me. I suddenly smack into something.

"Ouch." I rub my head. A naked torso appears in front of me. A six pack accompanied by two large pecs, dripping wet straight from the shower. I raise my eyes to see who this body belonged to.

Oh no. Shit. Mike.

His lips are thin unlike Dean's. His smirk is more menacing than playful.

"Well hello, Lena. Fancy meeting you here. Shall I drop my lower towel too?" He asks confidently.

"I-" I choke on my words because I was checking him out. A bit. In my defence I didn't know who it was.

"No. If you excuse me I need to go get changed." I push forward, hurriedly pulling the towel even tighter around me but he blocks my exit.

"Not so fast, we haven't talked in ages and I've been dying to hear from your sweet lips." He inches closer.

"Move." I place both hands against his chest and push. It doesn't seem to have an impact.

"Oh come on. Like that hurt, you can never get rid of me that easily. You're on my radar Lena, you see I know your every move," he says.

"What from your apocryphal radar?" I ask.

"Yep. From my apocryphal radar. You're cute when you act smart." He pops the p in 'yep.'

Mike tries to pin me against the wall but I quickly doge his arm.

"Looks like your radar's broken," I say walking towards my room.

Before going down the hallway I feel a pair of eyes on me. Not the perverted type but the watching kind.

I quickly turn to see Dean leaning against the wall, his face almost... Sad? He probably saw the whole thing.


"I have a solution for your Mike problem. Wait for me in one of the hallways near that place I showed you after English. Make sure you're not followed," Dean whispers into my ear, causing my leg bounce uncontrollably.


His slender fingers walk along the wall until bumping into my hand. I take a deep, steadying breath.

What was he doing?

He doesn't say a word to explain his sudden behaviour. He turns, positioning himself right in front of me. Shifting his body closer as he pins me to the wall. Everything about him in this moment pulls me in.

My heart begins to pound rapidly.

"What are you doing?" I ask meeting his gaze. I thought he was going to get Mike off my back.

Dean ignores my question and buriers his face into my neck. The tip of his nose tickles my collar purposely.

"Dean you have a gir-" he presses a warm finger to my lips silencing me at once. He leaves a soft kiss on my neck, I arch my back allowing myself to get closer to him.

He begins sucking on my neck. A small sound escapes my throat accidentally, which only seems to encourage him further. He wraps his arm around the small of my back under my jumper.

With my right hand moves before I can even think, I place it over the planes of his stomach.

Yep, the abs are still going strong

A cheeky smile plays on my lips. Feeling a bit adventurous, I move my hand down slightly, tracing his V line. He bites my neck gently, probably warning me to move my hand up, I do so quickly.

I allow my self to pull at his curly hair as his toungue draws circles on my neck driving me crazy. Another moan betrays me. I can't help it. He moves his hips to press against mine. As if he was trying to get as close to me as possible without taking our clothes off.

He kisses the tender area on my neck, finally completing what he had been so driven to do. I look down to locate the source of the poke.

Almost unwillingly he pulled away from me.

"What was all that for I-" I try to clam myself from this heated scenario. His beautiful lips pull into a smirk, however I sense he's trying to conceal his embarrassment, he turns on his heels walking in the opposite direction.

I don't understand how that will help my situation? Also what's was all that sucking neck about? Maybe he's channeling his inner Edward Cullen.

Feeling confused I stumble to the dinning hall. Tate and Cristina are nowhere to be seen so I take a seat alone.

"Lena you up for a round or two later on?" Mike says earning a few laughs from his fellow morons. Deciding he's not worth it I ignore his comment. "Oi, did you here me?" He calls and makes his way towards me.

"I said- wait what's that?" He says looking at my neck.

"What?" I snap.

His angered breathing pushes my hair back. "You got a hickey?! So you've been marked?!" He huffs frustratedly.

I had never gotten a hickey before, this explains what Dean was doing. "And? Go away now." I break the awkward silence.

"Fine. I don't do sloppy seconds anyway." Mike stomps back to his table in defeat.

Dean knew this would get Mike to stop harassing me. I'll have to pay him back later...

It got a bit heated. I've never actually gotten a love bite so I'm not sure what it's like to receive one, I tried my best to explain it. Hopefully it's accurate.

Please comment any suggestions, vote if you like it. Ty for all my reads.

Francesca xxx

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