⌘ Nightmares can't hurt you

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Once again I'm facing the sea at night,where the darkness engulfs my light,Where there is no where for me to go, Where I am left, so cold, so alone, Where I push myself forward slowly wondering into the unknown,I fall into the icy water, squirming uneasily as the sea prepares for my slaughter

Intoxicating it wakes me up alarming me about drowning, But it's too late,

Im suffocating.

" wow, you wrote this? " Cristina stares at the poem I wrote, I write poems when I'm troubled, which is often.

"Yes.... I've been having the same nightmare ever since..." I trail off, not wanting to repeat the events of that night.... after I first dreamed of the minacious sea.

"It's about a dream?" she asks reading it again.

"We'll actually more of a nightmare.."

"Are you aquaphobic?" She asks.

"No, I am not abnormally afraid of water" I say smiling."Are you scared of the nightmare?" She looks at me.

Am I? Well I must be, I wake up to sweaty palms and my cheeks dampened by tears. Nightmares are a regular thing for me but this ones different...

Yes, your scared of it just admit it

"Y-yes a bit" I admit.

"You know nightmares can't hurt you" Cristina chuckles, stating the obvious.

"Yes I know that, but imagine that being in your head every night, when you close your eyes" I defend myself.

I am no wuss puss.

"Lena your not the only one with nightmares" she whispers so quietly I barley catch it, her eyes unfocused are filled with tears.

She shakes her head brining her back to reality "you know sometimes dreams have meanings behind them" she says enthusiastically, cheery again.

It's then I see it, the happy brave front Cristina puts up, she let's her guard slip for a second and I see it, the smile she wears, it's her mask. She probably hurts inside, haunted by a troubled past, I wish I knew what to do.

Hug her?

No, I don't really like unnecessary physical contact.

This is necessary!

Is it?

Yes! just because no one was there for you, doesn't mean you can't be there for her!

" Lena are your ok?, what are you thinking?" she asks with a confused and slightly concerned look on her face.

Oh arguing with the voice in my head.

No don't tell her she'll think your crazy

But I certainly am NOT freakin crazy.

I can see the smile on her face doesn't reach her eyes, her fragile mask is going to break, and I'm going to be there for her to pick up the pieces.

Actions speak louder than words. Ad least that's what I've heard, and if hugging her doesn't say 'I'm here for you' than I don't know what does.I take two steps towards her, extend my arms and embrace her. An action I am not use to, but I'm trying.

Cristina instantly pushes me off and jumps on top of her bed.

"Why are you trying to strangle me?" Cristina says with a apprehensive look.

Apparently my hugs don't scream 'I'm here for you' they scream 'I'm trying to kill you'

You seriously need to work on that...

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