⌘ Happy little pill

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It is yet another Monday in this prison of misery. I feel a dark cloud of gloom hang above my head.
It's seeps into my ears and coats my brain in a thick paint. It makes everything grey.

"What's wrong with you?" Cristina nudges me. I don't even react to her skin to skin contact. I feel so drained of energy that I can't even be bothered. Both Cristina and Tate exchange troubled looks.

"Bye, I'm going to private therapy," I slowly shuffle out of the tank.

Ever since Lemon told one of the guards that I was depressed I've been booked to start doing extra therapy sessions because their scared I'm going to do something to harm myself. Thanks a lot, Lemon.

"Why the long face?" A tall, blonde lady asks when I enter the room. Her hair is tired back in a bun and her side fringe is tucked behind her right ear. She wears a white doctors coat and gestures for me to sit in the chair opposite her desk.

"If you haven't noticed I'm currently locked up in a juvenile correctional centre, what do you expect?" I respond with an eye roll.

"Well I'm Candice and I've been instructed to give you some prescribed medicine." She hands me a small bottle with a yellow smiley face on it.

"What are they?" I pop open the cap to see multi coloured pills within.

"They're antidepressants," she smiles.

Normally I would testify to a statement regarding my mental health, but honestly I'm too tired to care.

"How do they work?" I ask pouring some into my hand, I must admit they are very pretty.

"Well it is thought antidepressants work by increasing levels of a group of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. Certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and noradrenaline, can improve mood and emotion, although this process is not fully understood," she exclaims.

"Um, and how long do I have to take them for?"

"Well we're going to put you on these pills for 2-4 weeks and see how it goes from there."

I read the side of the bottle.

May also be recommended for other mental health conditions such as obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder

Dean could really do with some of these.

After therapy I walk back to the tank with the bottle in hand.

I pull open the lip and pick out a lilac coloured pill, my favourite colour. Deciding I need one now, I swallow it. Luckily it has no taste and slips down my throat easily.

Ten minutes have gone by and I feel just as crap as I did before I even swallowed the pill.

I wanted to see rainbows and unicorns, not this shitty place.

Maybe I have some sort of high tolerance to these pills and should kick it up a notch. One more might have some sort of effect.

Or two?
That's a bad idea

"Hehehehe," I start giggling uncontrollably, something's really funny but I don't know what.

I see a guard walk by me and luagh because his lack of hair makes him look like an egg.

I stroke the white walls and they feel fluffy and soft, oh how I wish I could sleep on these walls.

I make it to the tank and spot one of my favourite people, Dean. He made me sad but I can't remember why? He's so pretty I wonder if he feels as soft as the walls.

I skip up to his chair and smile when I see his hazel eyes look at me.

"What do you want?" He asks harshly.

"To tell you a joke," I cover my hands over my mouth so I don't giggle.

"What happened to you? " He asks crossing his eyebrows. "Oh, I see antidepressants," he says reaching out a hand and I give him the container.

"How many have you had?" He clicks his fingers to get my attention. I put up three fingers.

"Jeez, you don't want to overdose on these things you'll kill yourself," he says handing back the container.

"Go away," he pulls his hood up.

"Wait I want to tell you my joke," I say. With a heavy sigh Dean gestures for me to proceed with the comedy gold I came up with.

"Are you a mermaid?" I giggle. "Because you're sex-sea, get it? Get it?" I erupt in laughter.

"Ha ha Luna that was hilarious," He says in a sarcastic monotone.

"Luuuoonnaa that's weird, is that my real name? Is that why you call me that?" I pull off his ridiculous hood so I can feel his curly hair.

"No now can you stop touching me," Dean pushes my hand away from his hair.

It's a shame because I image his hair to feel like little baby kittens. I wouldn't know because mother detested animals. I want a cat now. Aww, cats.

Dean snaps his fingers in front of my face again. "Are you done with the jokes?" He sounds bored.

"Knock knock," I say while physically knocking on his head.

"Who's there?" he asks in an a exasperated voice.

"Butch Jimmy and Joe."

"Butch Jimmy and joe who?"

"Butch your arms around me, Jimmy a kiss and let's joe HAHHAHAHA. Get it? get it?" I laugh. But he doesn't laugh with me.

"Luna, I have a girlfriend and I told you that," he says in a patronising tone.

"Oh yeah that sucks," I sigh.

"Does it now? Why?" He seems interested in what I have to say for the first time and leans forward to listen in.

I bite my lip "I'm a virgin and I..."


My head throbs. I struggle to open my eyes but find some will power to do so.

The cell I'm in is green. I hate green. And the only green cells I know
are the ones in solitary confinement.

How'd I get here?

I can't remember much other than taking my medicine.

I must have done something bad...

Another chapter, the song link is just a cool song I like, it's where I got the name for the chapter. If you want to listen to it it's there.

So Lena said some thing's I know she's going to regret....

What did she say? Well we'll see on the next chapter....

Thank you for 100+ votes! please keep it up and comment x let me know your opinion it helps me write!

Thank you to my hella awesome beta jasminemelissa for helping come up with the the cheesy jokes and the new book cover xx

Francesca xxx

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