⌘ My Angel?

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Press play when it says 'play song' (Arms ~ Christina Perri)


I begin to cough violently for one of two reasons, at the fact that I've engulfed the foul taste of salty water, and from pure shock.

Dean. The very boy who passes me cold glares, the boy who doesn't want me to talk to him and now the very boy who saved my life.

How? Why? When? questions spiral throughout my head.

How'd he get here so fast?

Did he hear your screams?

My mind no longer questions why he saved me, but what would of happened if he didn't.

I would of drowned.

Would they bother looking for me? I wonder if they'd discover that Amber was the cause of my death. I'd hope they would at least put a decent picture of me on the 'missing person' posters, If they'd bother to put any up...

That's besides the point! Go after him...

(Play song)

Him, I have to thank him, I need to thank him. I stumble to my feet. Walking proves to be difficult. I sway side to side feeling sick to my stomach. I look like Mother when she returns home after a few nights.

"D-" I have to clear my throat before I can continue "Dean wait!" I shout but he continues to walk down the shore.

Can't he hear you?

"Dean!" I shout louder... No response. It's clear he's ignoring me. What have I even done?

This boy must be bipolar or something.

I begin to run, or attempt to anyway, finally catching up to him I grab his arm but he pushes me off. I grab it again and finally he turns around. "What?!" he says miffed.

His eyes travel down my body but quickly make their way back to mine, as if he shouldn't have been looking at me. I look down to realise I'm wearing a bikini, dripping wet, and clinging to my body. Oh God everything suddenly becomes hot, oh wait it's just my stupid cheeks betraying my composure.

I look back at him and my train of thought vanishes. He could actually be an angel. A drop from his wet hair travels down the bridge of his nose, and I follow it as it makes it's way down his body, over the two full pink mountains of his lips, to the valley of six packs before finally dropping off of his black shorts.

My eyes lock onto his, unreadable hazel ones, and I realise he's waiting for me to say something.

"Er, thank you," I say awkwardly, we both know I was staring at his body.

"For what?" he plays dumb

"For jumping in the water after me," I say. He doesn't say anything, his eyes look regretful. "Why did you save me?" I merely whisper, however I'm certain he heard me.

"Well what was I going to do? Just let you drown?" He says, again with no emotion, but I can see right throw his walls.

"How did you know" I asked him.

He looks away with that guilty look.

"Were you following me?" I enquire.

He looks at me so deeply that the answer is irrelevant, all words are irrelevant, the only relevance here is that he saved me, that I'm not just an afternoon snack to some hungry crustacean.

I can't stand here, I just need some support I suddenly feel unsteady, I'm not sure if that's because of what just happened, or the fact that I'm standing practically naked in front of Dean. I stumble backward slightly when his hand catches the small of my back. He wraps both his arms around my fragile body.

"You're always so clumsy, aren't you," he smirks at me.

"I most certainly am not, I'm simply dizzy from almost drowning," I protest.

"What ever you say Luna," a smile plays on his lips.


"My names Lena, not Luna," I correct him.

We're closer than I thought, much closer. In fact our faces are inches apart.

"What ever you say Luna," he repeats again with a smirk.

Being the short girl I am, and Dean being the tall boy he is, I get the perfect view of his lips from where I stand. The top one seems to be slightly bigger than the bottom.

I lick my lips, they're dry from the saltwater. My stomach begins to feel funny. I don't like the feeling. It better stop.

I'm almost certain we're about to kiss, you can almost feel the tension in the air. The wind blows, causing some of my wet tangly hair to blow cross my face. Ever so gently Dean moves it out of the way, tucking it behind my ear. The feeling of his hand brush across my cheek brings that weird feeling in my stomach to arise once again. His eyes stare into mine then drop to my mouth.

I inch closer towards his beautiful lips. "Um, I have to go." Dean tenses up as he turns away from me, releasing my hips from his arms, I feel cold; alone.

"Why?" my voice cracks feeling confused and rejected.

But it's too late, he's too far gone.

Should I go after him?

Do I just accept that he doesn't need me?

And I don't need him

Do I ?

I wait for the stupid voice in my head to tell me what to do, but for once my head is empty, just like I am.


Sorry for the long wait.

I thought the lyrics for this song fits Lena and Dean perfectly because in the video she also has nightmares of drowning idk, but anyways I'll try to post more frequently!

Thank you for all my votes and comments ~ they truly make my day!

Francesca xxx

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