⌘ Harton Manner

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As soon as they buzz me through the front desk, I undergo safety checks for any weapons or things that aren't permitted here like mobile phones.

After security I'm greeted by a blonde lady with an excruciatingly cheerful personality.

"Hi there! I'm Tammy but you can call me Tam," she giggles. The positivity dripping off this woman is making me nauseous.

"Er... Hi, I'm Lena," I say unable to match the amount of excitement in her voice.

"Now if you'd like to follow me, I'll show you to your room! where you will meet your new room mate! how exciting" she says clapping her hands.

We walked down a white corridor with stupid kitten posters on the walls one says "hang in there" with a kitten holding onto a tree branch.

When we reach two hallways one leading to the right and the other to the left. I read the sign in the middle of the corridors: on the right it says girls and on the left boys obviously we turn right. I look on both side of the walls to see doors along them.

At the very end of the corridor Tammy points towards the door "this is your room, now go and unpack don't forget dinner is served at 6pm" she says smiling.

Why is she always smiling?

It's then that I remember their irritating slogan 'smiles all around, happiness all around' did she think constantly grinning at me is making me feel happy? Because in fact it's having quit the opposite effect on me, I'm left feeling awkward and uncomfortable.

"Thank you?" I'm not sure how to respond.

"Your certainly most welcome! See you later honey" she says turning on her heels and walking in the opposite direction.

Please don't be a psychopath

I cross my fingers before entering room which appears to be empty. Thew as least I will have time to unpack without having to attempt to make small talk.

I don't have many clothes as Mother would never take me shopping,however on rare occasion my Anti would come over and slip me a large amount of money to buy some clothes as she new what my Mother was like.

I open my small black suit case and look around the room. Just like everything else in this place the walls are white however no stupid posters cover these walls, there are two single beds on either side of the rooms with dull grey bed sheets on them, there are two night stands on each side of the beds along with lamps, on the ceiling there's a small light bulb hanging, just like the light I have at home it's bare and projects a dim yellow, the only difference is this one doesn't flicker.

One of the beds has the blanket sprawled carelessly upon the mattress, so I presume that's my roommates bed and she's not a neat freak by the looks of her side of the room.

I unpack my suit case and wait for my roommate to walk throw the door any minute. How do I approach her 'hi I'm your new roommate' ?

No that's obvious

'Hi I'll be here for six months because I stabbed someone'

No that will scare her

'Hi my Mother is a bitch and I'm your roommate '

No that's an an infelicitous remark

'I have to go to therapy'

No you can't make up excuses not to stay in the room, make a good impression

My inner voice seems to know it all but I'm struggling to think of away to approach her. As if on que my new roommate strides throw the door.

She has short straight hair in a pikesy cut of the colour midnight black, her long fringe falls covering half of her face.

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