⌘ In your dreams

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Why is he still staring at me? Is there something on my face? As pleasant as holding hands and such has been I'm not really sure what happens next.

Do I say he's good at holding hands? I
really don't know what to say. Thinking about this situation is straining my head. So I've decided not to think about it, which is completely ironic of course; thinking about not thinking.

He seems to like me and I am fond of him, okay so a little more than fond. He makes me feel weird and while it's a good feeling it's also quite annoying.

His staring is really beginning to irritate me. "What?" I ask him.
"Nothing." He looks away and pulls his hand out from my grip in the process. He looks over at me expressionless.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm fine." He avoids eye contact.
So one minute he's all smug and flirty and then the next he's back to his plain regrettable self. Typical.

"Have you ever kissed someone before?" His question takes me completely off guard.

Why does it matter?

"N-no I haven't," I mumble embarrassed.

"Hmm..." He rubs his chin deep in thought. He looks like he's about to do something he shouldn't but just can't help himself.

"Fuck it," he mutters before crashing his lips into mine.

I forget to shut my eyes, I forget to do whatever you're supposed to do when you kiss someone, but I'm just so taken aback.

I can feel him tense up because I'm not responding, so I kiss him back. He seems to be an expert at this because he moves perfectly against my lips, wrapping his hands behind my back, gently supporting me as he instantly makes my knees go weak.

I pull away breathless but he seems to be completely fine. It's unfair that he's not agitated after this kiss, while I on the other hand feel like my heart's going to explode out of my chest

The bus comes to a halt and Dean races to the front to get out.
"Okay?" I mutter to myself as I get up.
We probably have about an hour before we have to go to our cells so I'm guessing he's heading for the tank.
I however have other priorities like taking a shower. I make my way back to the room.

"Hello stupid cats." I stoke the posters on the walls. That kiss has put me into some sort of happy trance.

I come to a halt when a man and a wet floor sign obstruct my path.
"No one's aloud down this hall, it's being a cleaned," he exclaims.
"Bur I just need to take a quick shower," I protest but he doesn't seem to be having any of it.

"Sorry, let me just stop everything that's happening so you can have a shower," he says sarcastically. "There's the girls showers to your left." He signals to a room with no doors.


He sticks his out his hand to shut me up.

"Gosh, you'll act like you should get all these privileges when you're criminals, don't do the crime if you can't do the time." He shakes his head with a look of disapproval.

The funny thing is I didn't commit a crime and the 'privilege' to shower in privacy isn't too much to ask for, is it?
"Fuck you," I say, reluctantly walking towards the girl's showers.

The happy feeling has gone and I begin to strip myself from my wet and sticky clothing, throwing them aside.
I turn around and notice a woman guard sitting on a chair.

"Shit." I grab the closest towel I can find.

She's middle aged with reddish brown hair and looks to be overweight.
I can't shower with someone else watching. The only privacy I have is a shower curtain that doesn't cover much.

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