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In an instant his lips came crashing into mine. A burning like kiss formed from a simple action of skin to skin contact.

Everything in this moment doesn't matter. He has a fucked up father. I have a shit mother. None of us have had a perfect life. But this moment right now is perfect. A moment where nothing else matters. Nothing.

Only the warmth of his arms rapped around my waist. Only him.

But as all moments come to an end this had to. And reality set back to place.

"Lena I need to tell you now because I hate saying shit like this but I think I - love you" he says cringing at his own romantic words.

It only takes three syllables and eight letters to change your world.

If this is what love is then I guess it's fucked up. Which is why we suit it so well.

"I " do I dear say it? Put the those words into the universe? Should I? Once I say those three words there's no going back.

He eagerly looks at me regretting his sudden confession. " I love you too" I say grabbing onto his collar.

This stupid weird feeling in my stomach I feel when he so much as looks as me must be it. Must be love. It's alright to say it out loud.

Fuck it.

Four months have gone by. Possibly the best two months of my life, which says a lot about my life, seeing as I'm in correction centre.

Two nights ago Ruth let us sneak out while she did the night shift. We had a night to enjoy each others company. We forgot all of the shit in our life's and danced to non existing music.

He placed his arm gently around my waist helping me to sway. "What are we doing" I asked laughing slightly.

"Lena" he whispered. I saw in his eyes that he was a lover. But had nothing to love. Until now.

"I love you" he said again. I knew he did. His curly hair hung loosely down his head as he leaned down to kiss me. I grabbed a handful of hair and ruffled it up. 'You're a mess and I love it' I smiled against his cheek.

This morning the sun shines throw the tank. I go to meet Dean at our usual place. I can imagine him wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek, like he usually does.

He's not there. Before I can question it further a guard ushers me to see Lemmon. It's Thursday; visiting day. About three month ago he decided to come and visit me, even when I told his to piss off, he keeps coming back.

"Lena" he greets me. "I have to say it's nearing your realise it's sad to see you leave this place".

"You're joking right?" What's wrong with him.

"Yes humour" he places both of his hands above the table.

I almost jump when I feel a pair of hands grip onto my shoulders. "What are you doing here?" Dean says to Lemmon baring his teeth almost like a defensive dog.

"Dean this is my therapist" I say taking his hand trying to calm him from this sudden out burst. Lemmon smiles in a cynical way.

"How do you know him?" I ask him while taking his hand. How could he know Lemmon? What was his problem with him?

"He's my father".
Posting the rest of the story tomorrow - been really busy.
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Francesca xxx

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