⌘ Truth

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It just doesn't add up. I am certainly not stupid. He was convicted from when he was 'just a boy' he must of been in here for a long time.

"What?" Dean asks staring at me with a confused look on his face. While I was trying to figure things out in my head I had been staring at him.

"She doesn't exist does she?" I whisper.

"Who?" He asks warily.

"Your girlfriend. I've calculated the time you've been locked up in here. Years. You couldn't have a girlfriend you made it up," I say hurt.

"Listen, you should stay away from me that's not that big of a deal okay. I'm not a good person. I told you that to make you stay away from me but I just can't help myself." His expression turns cold.

"Why?" I demand. "Wake up we're in a correctional centre! Don't you realise that? This isn't a fairytale, we've all done bad things and you need to realise that."
"You need to realise everyone I've ever cared about is gone!" he shouts, attempting to walk away.

There's no way he's getting away that easily. "What did you do? Just tell me!" All this secretive stuff is bullshit.

"You really want to know?!" He asks, no shouts. By now we're approaching his 'secret room' or whatever and no one can hear us.

"Yes!" I say defiantly.

"I killed her. I killed her, Luna." He says with rage in his eyes.

He's killed someone.
This isn't stealing a car or selling coke like some of the other inmates.
He's taken a life.
A life that wasn't his to take.

"W-why?" My voice shakes. I am standing in a room with a murderer. I can't bare the thought of it. My angle. My fallen angle with tattered wings. He saved my life, he gave me sweet kisses. He marked me.

"I didn't want to!" He tells himself more than me. "I didn't want to," he repeats whispering to himself, his eyes filled with tears.

"Then why did you do it?" I say, crying.

"He made me do it" he whispers. "It was after school, Luna. She said she was going to walk me home and have words with my father. She was going to ask about my bruises. To take me out of there." His voice cracks.

I walk until I'm a foot away from the mattress he sits on. His hands tangled into his hair.

"When we got home he was waiting. He- he had a gun. He told me if I didn't pull the tigger he'd shoot me himself. I was nine. I tried to resist, but he forced my finger on the trigger. When she died he told me it was my fault," he whispers.

I want to comfort him now that I know why he did it but I can't bring myself to.

"He said I killed her just like my mother. He called the police and said I was mental. He diagnosed me as severely bipolar and depressed. I've been locked up ever since." He pulls his knees into his chest and rocks himself softly.

"But why did you have to lie to me? I know I sound stupid but when you kissed me... On the bus, I thought you actually liked me." I pause.

"Then you told me I wasn't your type that you had a girlfriend. I- I felt hurt." I stop talking.

"I did that to get you to stay away from me, like I said before. I only break what I love," he whispers.

"But I'm already broken."

Short chapter sorry! Got loads of tests coming up, a ton of homework and writers block so soz for the lac of updates.

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Francesca xx

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