~Chapter 7~

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Lostpaw drew his weary eyes open. Darkness engulfed the medicine cats den he lay in. His throat throbbed with pain and his chest ached from the weight of the fox holding him down.

He forced his eyes around the den. The stacks of herbs were neatly piled in the cracks on the rock wall. A small waterfall trickled into a stream by his muddy paw. With all the strength he possessed, Lostpaw heaved himself up and turned, crouching to lap up the fresh water. He flicked his whiskers, sending droplets of water flying.

After he had laid down, he hooked his tail around his paws. He yawned and dropped his muzzle in the sand. Slowly, his breathing deepened and he willing gave way into the paws of slumber.

Lostpaw squinted his eyes open. Bright sun rays shone through the entrance to the Medicine cats den. Lostpaw sighed, thankful for the warmth. Suddenly, Fernwhisker squeezed into the room.

"Lostpaw," her voice was like silk, "I'm sure you shall be fine. But, for that to be achieved, you must rest plenty." Lostpaw looked up at her and sighed. He sulked and turned away from her, laying his head on his paws.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you will be back to training in no time at all!" She walked past him, brushing her dark tail by his nose. "Now, eat these," she pushed small bundle of herbs towards Lostpaw, who wrinkled his nose before licking them up.

Stretching, he settled down in his small moss best, hoping his warrior ceremony would not be delayed.

Darkness engulfed him. Lostpaw was in a dark forest, deep gray clouds rolling out above his head. The trees packed themselves densely together. Lostpaw looked around.

Suddenly, a cat appeared in front of him. The strange cat's pelt was grayish with a eerie dark tint.

"Who are you?" Lostpaw asked, amazed.

"I am Granitestar," the cat murmured. "I bring you this message." The dark cat vanished, only to reappear behind him.

Lostpaw gasped and turned unexpectedly.

"Only the sacrifice of the ghost's gaze can at last bring peace in the clan.." The words were like mist beside his ear. Granitestar's scent slowly began to fade.

Lostpaw awoke with a start, his amber eyes wide. Only the sacrifice of the ghost's gaze can at last bring peace in the clans... The words echoed in his head. A prophecy? Should Fernwhisker know about it? Should he tell her?

"Fernwhisker," Lostpaw muttered unsteadily. Fernwhisker looked over at him.

"Yes?" Fernwhisker turned.

"Only the sacrifice of the ghost's gaze can at last bring peace in the clan," the words rolled of his tongue like ice. Fernwhisker froze, eyeing him curiously.

"Where did you here that?" She questioned softly.

Lostpaw nervously looked at his paws, not meeting the Medicine cats gaze. "In a dream, from a cat they call Granitestar," Lostpaw looked up at her, her expression only possessing shock.

Why did they send the prophecy to him?
Fernwhisker thought for a moment. Unless...

Fernwhisker stood quickly. "Where is Ghostpaw?" she demanded quickly.

Lostpaw shrugged. "In his den," Fernwhisker dashed towards the apprentice den, excitement flaring beneath her pelt. Ghostpaw will save the clan!

She came to a halt outside the den before sliding inside. Luckily, Ghostpaw was in his nest, grooming his pale pelt.

"Ghostpaw," Fernwhisker meowed, lifting her head. "We must talk," Ghostpaw stared at her in shock before following. Fernwhisker looked over her shoulder at him. She noticed the large scar that ran over his nose and across most of his face. Strange.

Fernwhisker padded gingerly behind the Medicine cats den to a cramped space. She sat down, motioning for Ghostpaw to do the same.

"Have you been having any.." She paused for a moment. "Strange dreams lately,"

Ghostpaw froze. The question made him slightly weary. Should I tell her?

"Yes," he relied hesitantly.

Fernwhisker flared with hope. "Really? Did they have any message?"

"Only the sacrifice of the ghost's gaze can at last bring peace in the clans," Fernwhisker's heart leaped.

"I received it to. I think it is about you."

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