~Chapter 4~

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~Chapter 4~

Lostpaw peeled his eyes open. The sun was slowly rising, signaling dawn. He yawned and arched his back in a stretch.

Suddenly, a large shadow appeared over the entrance.

"Wha..?" He muttered, squinting his eyes. To his surprise, Ghostpaw padded over to him. Lostpaw's younger brother hissed at him and pushed him aside.


Ghostpaw grunted and looked over his should. "Yes?" He growled.

"Are you.. feeling alright?" Lostpaw asked, shuffling his paws.

Ghostpaw squinted his eyes and ignored Lostpaw. Lostpaw swallowed back hurt welling in his throat. Why was Ghostpaw being so mean?

Flattening his ears, he rushed out of the den. He saw Sandnose and padded over to her.

"What shall we do today?" Lostpaw asked eagerly.

Sandnose turned and smiled. "I'm going to teach you some battle moves," she replied.

Lostpaw lit up inside and perked his ears. "Really? Let's go!" Lostpaw began dashing towards the entrance.

"Wait!" She called after him. "We must wait until Rabbitheart and Softpaw are ready."
Lostpaw frowned and plopped down on his haunches.

Finally, Rabbitheart began padding towards them with Softpaw trailing behind.

"Can we go now?" Lostpaw asked.

Sandnose smiled at Rabbitheart and hesitantly replied, "Yes,"

Lostpaw smiled and dashed towards the entrance. Softpaw followed him. "I'll beat you there!" Lostpaw teased.

"When hedgehogs fly!" Softpaw teased back with a giggle. "Ready, set, GO!" Then Softpaw dashed off with Lostpaw on her tail. He flattened his ears and soon he was shoulder to shoulder with Softpaw. Softpaw grunted and pushed herself to go faster. Lostpaw frowned and raced after her.

When Lostpaw arrived heavily breathing at the training hollow, Softpaw was there, out of breath.

Lostpaw's chest heaved and he made an effort to turn as his mentor jogged up behind him. "Are you ready?" Sandnose asked.

Lostpaw and Softpaw nodded in unison.

"Now, Softpaw, you will be attacking Lostpaw, and Lostpaw will be defending. Rabbitheart," Sandnose signaled the white tom towards Softpaw.

"Lostpaw," Sandnose crouched in front of him with her voice barely above a whisper, "when she lunges at you, do this." Sandnose demonstrated by rolling on her back and thrusting her back legs in the air.

Lostpaw nodded, "Ok.." He whispered, forcing his mind to memorize the move.

"Ready!" Rabbitheart barked from the other side of the clearing.

"Ready!" Sandnose called back.

"Softpaw, go!" Rabbitheart whispered in her ear and his littermates was off.

Lostpaw tried to remember his move. Softpaw slinked closer and leaped. Lostpaw gasped and rolled on his back. He forced his back legs into the air as Softpaw was about to land.

Softpaw let out a surprised squeal and flew backwards. She landed on her back. Quickly, Lostpaw stood and dashed over to her. He pushed both of his paws down on her chest.

"Good!" Sandnose complimented. Rabbitheart scoffed and whispered something in Softpaw's ear.

Lostpaw squinted his eyes. "I'm tired,"

Rabbitheart spoke this time, "I think it's best we get back to camp. Tomorrow?"

Sandnose nodded slowly and turned to pad back to camp.

(Top picture is Ghostpaw 0U0)

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