~Chapter 2~

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~Chapter 2~

Lostpaw looked at his mentor with excitement. "What shall we do today?" he asked.

"I think, since there seems to be no battle near and prey is plentiful, I shall merely give you a tour of the borders and important landmarks in the territory," she stated. "Are you ok with that?"

"Yeah, it's better then nothing," though disappointment tugged at his belly, he agreed to go with.

"This, is the border with Thunderclan. Then are not so hostile at the moment but they are strong and fierce in battle," explained Sandnose. Lostpaw gazed into the forest and flattened his ears. The strong stench of bramble and holly drifted towards him. Sandnose waited beside him, then signaled with her tail for her to follow him farther.

"This is twoleg place. Is were all the twolegs live. Farther down beyond twoleg place, is Riverclan territory," Sandnose pointed down at a large piece of land. It has beautiful green grass and small streams going through it.

"It's beautiful!" Lostpaw commented.

"Yeah.." Sandnose murmured, "now let's get back to camp, it's been a long day." Sandnose began running at a slow pace so Lostpaw could keep up.

"Ok," Sandnose meowed, "I'll let you talk to the other apprentices and get to know them. You can get some fresh-kill if you'd like, too." Sandnose trotted away towards the other warriors.

Lostpaw flattened his ears and rushed over to the fresh-kill pile. He licked his lips and picked up a plump rabbit from the top. Lostpaw looked around the camp. He spotted Softpaw eating a scrawny rabbit with two more apprentices and happily pranced over.

"Greetings, Softpaw," he greeted happily, setting his rabbit down.

"Greeting," she responded, "Lostpaw, this is Shinepaw," she pointed at a pale ginger tabby she-cat. "And this is Icepaw," she pointed at a white Tom with gray flecks.

"Greetings Lostpaw," Icepaw smiled and spoke happily towards him.

Lostpaw decided to start a conversation. He settled down next to Icepaw with his rabbit. "What did you guys learn today?" He asked before taking a big bite of rabbit.

"I practiced running and learned the hunting crouch," Softpaw told him excitedly.

"Cool!" Lostpaw smiled, "I was given a tour of the borders." He took another bite of rabbit.

"I practiced battle moves with Shinepaw. Wanna see?" Lostpaw and Softpaw both nodded eagerly.

Taking a step back, Icepaw launched himself foward, sliding near the ground and turning himself over on top of the imaginary opponent and biting the air with his teeth as he went for where the neck was supposed to be.

"Awesome!" Lostpaw commented, taking the last bite of his rabbit.

"Yes, cool indeed," Shinepaw laughed.

"Well, I'm going to go find Ghostpaw," Lostpaw murmured, pulling himself to his paws. Lostpaw slowly walked away and scanned the camp. His snow-white sibling was no wear in sight. "Perhaps he is still training," thought Lostpaw and frowned.

The sun was beginning to set, hiding behind the horizon so the moon could rise and take its place.

Lostpaw yawned and slowly began padding to the apprentice den. He poked his head in to see some apprentices already asleep. Icepaw was awake.

"I made a nest for you," he meowed, flicking his tail towards a mossy nest beside him.

"Thanks," Lostpaw purred, grateful for the nest. "Thanks.." He managed to stutter out before falling asleep.


(Cat in picture above is Lostpaw) OUO
(Is it weird to ship IceXLost..?)

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