~Chapter 9~

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Ghostpaw snorted. Prophecy. He didn't want to be part of a prophecy. He slowly padded over to his dark-pelted mentor, Thornear.

"Thornear? May we go hunting?" Ghostpaw asked, tilting his head to a side.

Thornear grunted. "Let's go." He turned and started heading for the entrance. Ghostpaw followed him, eager to feel the prey beneath his claws.

They shouldered their was out, the wind buffeting their fur. Thornear flicked his shredded ear and padded out towards twoleg place. Ghostpaw flattened his ears and trotted after him, slightly aware of a strange cat's scent around him.

"Can I go off in this direction?" Ghostpaw suggested, flicking his tail in the direction opposite in which his mentor was heading.

"Yes, you can," he perked his ears forward again. Ghostpaw smiled and nodded, trotting off.

Ghostpaw opened his jaws. He noticed the strange scent in the air. Flattening his ears in worry, he padded on, looking for prey.

Suddenly, pain exploded on his spine as he was pinned to the ground, claws digging into his back.

"Who are you?" meowed a firm she-cat voice.
Her rank scent filled the air and Ghostpaw wrinkled his nose.

"Ghostpaw," the apprentice snarled, summoning up all his strength and flinging the she cat off. "Who are you and why are you on Windclan territory?" He unsheathed his claws.

The she-cat smirked, her black pelt gleaming. "I am Crow," her blue eyes glittered with amusement. Crow flickered her tail, which as Ghostpaw could see, was merely a stub.

"Crow," Ghostpaw snarled. "Get off Windclan territory or be shredded." He flexed his claws.

Crow purred with amusement and smiled. "Ghostpaw," she sat down and licked at her paw. "I'm only about a moon older than you, yet, I can still fight,"

Ghostpaw growled and lunged at the she-cat. He scraped his claws along her pelt and crouched again.

Crow stood. "Ghostpaw, I don't want to fight you," she took a step back. "Goodbye," she licked his forehead and dashed off.

Ghostpaw stood and blushed, his eyes wide in awe. He sheathed his claws. Prey. He quickly looked over. A rabbit nibbled gingerly on a piece of grass.

Crouching, Ghostpaw stalked up to the rabbit until he was a few tail lengths away. There, he pounced, catching it under his paws and cleanly snapping its spine.

He smiled and buried its small brown body. He then proceeded to catch more.

Ghostpaw was padding back to where he saw his mentor last with three rabbits clamped in his jaws. He flinched as Thornear came running towards him.

"We must get back to camp," Thornear told him quickly and continued to run. Ghostpaw followed.

Ghostpaw and Thornear burst through the entrance and deposited their prey right as Mossstar stood upon the large dune.

"All cats old enough to run the moor join here beneath the high dune for a clan meeting!" The dappled leader's call gathered all the members of Windclan in one place.

"Today with us, we have two apprentices ready to become warriors. Rainpaw, Spiderpaw, please step forward," Ghostpaw watched as the two gray apprentices neared the dune.

"Rainpaw, Spiderpaw, you have worked hard to understand and learn the warrior code. Rainpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect you're clan even if it coast your life?" Mossstar squinted her eyes.

"I do," Rainpaw held his head high.

"Then by the power of Starclan, I grant you your warrior name. Rainpaw, from this moment on, you shall be know as Raindrizzle. Starclan honors you for your loyalty and bravery and welcomes you as a full warrior of Windclan," Mossstar finished and turned to Spiderpaw.

"Spiderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect you clan even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!" Spiderpaw eagerly nodded.

"Then by the power of Starclan, I grant you your warrior name. Spiderpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Spiderfoot. Starclan honors you for your skill and knowledge and welcomes you as a full warrior of Windclan!" Mossstar finished.

Cats began to raise their muzzles and shout out the new names. "Raindrizzle! Spiderfoot! Raindrizzle! Spiderfoot!" Ghostpaw hesitantly lifted his muzzle and joined in.

When the noise died down, Ghostpaw padded over to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a rabbit. He slowly began eating.

As it was nearing dusk, Ghostpaw slid into his den and went to sleep.

A/N- Lol sorry I don't think I did the warrior ceremony right but oh whale 🐋

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