Chapter Twelve

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Izuku noticed Shoto's distant looks. He was quieter and less attentive during their conversations. He seemed... Distracted, and not in a good way.

It almost seemed as if Shoto didn't want to be with him. Two weeks after their first kiss, Shoto had kissed him once again for Keigo to see, but it was different. This kiss was cold.

That was the only way he could describe the kiss. Their lips pressed together, but there was no emotion, no movement. Shoto clearly just wanted to get it over with.

This kiss got him another slight freedom. He was now allowed outside in the gardens, Mezo Shoji set to watch over him. That's where Izuku was now, gripping the edge of a stone bench and staring into the little pool in front of him.

The fresh air felt wonderful, but he couldn't be bothered to really notice or care.

Izuku bit his lip, tearing up. I've done it again... He hates me. It was only a matter of time before he thought I was annoying, too...

Before he knew it, a little sob tumbled passed his lips, heel of his palm pressed into his eye.


The Omega whipped his head up.

Shoto stood underneath the hedged arch-way, brows creased in the slightest, concern slowly etching its way into his expression.

Izuku ducked his head and rubbed furiously at his eyes. "Sho- your highness! I'm sorry- I-I wasn't expecting you!"

The prince was kneeling in front of him in an instant, taking his hands. "Izuku, what's the matter..? Why are you crying?"

The Omega whimpered, unable to look the prince in the eye. "I... I'm annoying... I have a hard time controlling how much I mutter and I'm loud and energetic and-..." He sniffed and pursed his lips, trying to control the trembling. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be so annoying... I'll try to stop, I promise..."

A deep frown settled on Shoto's lips as the rest of his expression softened. He gently squeezed Izuku's hands before releasing one to wipe away a stray tear. "Izuku... Whoever hurt you so bad to make you think that way... Deserves to rot in hell..." He whispered, brushing a curly lock of hair out of the way, only for it to fall back in place.

Izuku rubbed his reddened nose. "What do you mean..?"

"I mean," Shoto started, entwining their fingers and cupping a freckled cheek. "I happen to think your muttering is very adorable." He smiled slightly at the blush building up behind those freckles. "I find you quirky and endearing. I should be the one apologizing for making you feel this way. I've just been..." He trailed and looked down. He eyed their hands, a twinge in his heart.

The Omega shifted, waiting for him.

"I've had so much on my mind. I didn't realize how much I was affecting you. I'll try to do better, Izuku," he murmured, raising Izuku's hand, placing a chaste kiss to his knuckles.

Izuku giggled, blushing so much more. "I'm sorry, Shoto... I don't mean to get so upset so easily..."

Shoto chuckled and raised himself to sit beside him. "Don't apologize. It's okay for you to get upset sometimes, okay..?" He assured, hand still in Izuku's.

The Omega nodded. He leaned into the Alpha, rubbing his cheek into his shoulder.

Despite not being a very physically affectionate person, Shoto enjoyed the affection from his- the Omega. He sighed and rested his chin amongst the rich green curls.


"I saw you two in the gardens today," the Emperor started, already half way through his meal as his youngest son sat beside him. "What was the Omega fretting about? I could smell his distress from my terrace."

Shoto hummed, taking his first bite. "I had been... Distant from him. He was worried it was his fault."

Enji chuckled, leaning back. "He took to you rather quickly, my son. I have to admit, I had my doubts at first about the whole love bullshit, but it seems you two may be married before the five months at this rate." Shoto tried not to stiffen.

Marriage..? So soon... Of course he'd expect it. I need to get Izuku out fast.

The Emperor finished his meal happily, standing as a servant grabbed his empty plate. "Ask the Omega for intercourse."

Shoto choked and coughed, swallowing the bite of food with much difficulty. "Excuse me?" He gasped, not looking up to his father.

"If he's truly in love with you, he'll be willing to give himself fully to you. Besides, it will help prepare him for his upcoming heat. It is approaching soon, is it not?"

The prince gripped the fork and clenched his other fist. "I suppose. I'll ask... However, I won't force anything on him. We've known each other only a short time." He muttered, picking at his plate.

Enji scoffed and rolled his eyes, adjusting his sleeves. "I married your mother mere days after I met her and had consummated our marriage that same night."

Shoto twitched. "And she killed herself once you had your perfect masterpiece. She was no longer of use to you and she knew what was in store," he countered, voice low. He stood, straightening his clothing. "If you'll excuse me, father." He bowed only slightly before leaving, keeping his pheromones in check.


892 words

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