Chapter One

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Shoto stared at the horizon, the sun hiding behind the mountains in its descent. He breathed deeply as a breeze came through, tousling his hair.

"What did you think?"

The prince stiffened and clenched his jaw, but did not falter his gaze. "Of..?" He asked, although he knew what his father was inquiring about.

"The Omega, Shoto. If you don't like him, I'm sure it's just because of his lack of weight and color. It's clear he's come from a lowborn status or has been hidden and recieved very little food. The servants will get him healthy for you."

Scoffing, Shoto looked up to the Emperor. "Father, you kidnapped him. Why the hell do you think he would even eat? All he's going to do is try and try to escape."

"Well, I suppose we'll have to break him of that." Shoto didn't like the sound of that. "I should order the guards to give the Omega ten lashings with every escape attempt-"

"No!" Shoto shouted, earning another side-eye and raised brow. The prince swallowed hard. "I'll fix it. After all, you got him for me, so... He's now my responsibility. I will prevent him from making any future escape attempts..."

Enji grinned, pleased. His chest puffed out. "Good."

"However," Shoto continued, knowing it would likely push his luck. "I won't marry him unless we're in love."

The Emperor scowled. "In love?" He echoed in a snarl.

Shoto nodded. "I will marry for love and I won't force someone who doesn't love me to marry me... Like you did to mom. I feel I need a partner and not a slave," he explained, doing his best to maintain his composure.

To his surprise, Enji laughed. "Well... I'll play along with this pathetic game. He has five months to fall in love with you." He turned and began walking away.

The prince whipped around, watching him. "And if he doesn't..?" He was almost afraid of the answer.

Enji stopped as a guard opened the door. He didn't bother himself with looking back to his son. "If he doesn't, he hangs."


This was too much. This was all too much and Izuku swears he's about to just fall apart.

He can't find me, he can't find me, he can't-

He shrieked as the door opened, startling his visitor. Izuku quickly dropped to his knees and covered his head. "No, no! Don't make me go back to him!"

"Izuku?" The prince and his guard rushed to the Omega, the prince kneeling cautiously beside him. "Izuku, go back to who?"

"I can't- I can't go back! He can't find me!" He wailed, sobs wracking his frail body mercilessly.

Shoto waved to his guard as he tried to help. "I've got it, Iida. Let me try." He leaned over, gently placing his hand on Izuku's shoulder. He didn't miss the flinch. "Izuku... No one knows you're here..."

He gave the Omega a moment to process that statement. The greenette sniffled, peeking through the crook in his arm. "No one..?" He echoed meekly.

Shoto nodded. "Only my father, I, and a select few guards. Maybe a servent or two that brings you your food. Even then, none of us know your background or where you came from." He spoke softly, doing his best to comfort the extremely distressed Omega.

Izuku swallowed hard, still trembling as he began to unfurl. His green eyes looked over the few people he could see. The prince, his personal guard with blue hair, and the guard by his door.

"He won't find out..?" Izuku inquired, looking up to the prince.

"I'm not sure who he is... But he won't find out..." Shoto assured and watched as exhaustion began to replace pure panic.

"I'm not going to be used for ransom..?"

"No..." Shoto's brows furrowed. "I told you this morning... My father brought you here to marry me..."

"Oh," Izuku muttered, rubbing his eyes. "Right... I'm sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize."

"I do... I made a scene..."

Shoto breathed deeply. "I'm going to pick you up, okay?"

Izuku tensed and hesitated, but then nodded slowly. He allowed the prince to lift him into his arms and carry him.

The prince was strong. Izuku could feel the taut muscle beneath his vest and in the arms holding him. The prince was surprisingly warm. He'd heard stories of the ice-cold son of the Emperor Enji. Izuku never expected Shoto to feel so warm and inviting. Never expected the soft tone of voice he just had when trying his best to comfort him.

Shoto carefully lay Izuku on the bed and pulled the covers over him. "You need to rest..."

Izuku curled up tightly, looking up to the red and white haired prince.

"Is there anything I or my guard could do for you..?"

The Omega pursed his lips and teared up once again. "My... My mother. She'll be looking for me. She'll be worried sick."

Shoto nodded. "Tell me where she is and my guard can bring her a letter." He sat on the edge of the bed.

Izuku looked to the guard, Iida as the prince called him. "She's... She's at the inn outside the city. West of the castle. We passed through the town Westava before reaching it..."

The guard nodded. "I know the one. They own horses and pigs."

"Yes." Izuku smiled, relieved to know they could find his mother. "They're very kind... Please... Let her know I'm not dead..."

Shoto frowned deeper, but nodded. "I will. Rest now. Your servant will bring you food in the morning." He pushed himself off the bed and walked towards the door.

Before it closed, he looked back. Izuku stared blankly out the windows, eyelids drooping as he fought sleep.

The prince sighed and lowered his head, walking ahead of his guard to his room. He must live a terrible life...


980 words

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