Counselors and Coaches

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"330 A.M.H Avenue? I don't have an A.M.H. Avenue listed in my GPS system. Are you sure you have the right address?"

"Yeah, Jennifer forwarded me the directions the client sent to her. I think it's a private road, but I can forward the text over to you if it'll make you feel better. I don't anticipate any problems, though, babe. Diego is right in front of me. We met up at the clinic and then drove from there. I'm not alone." I tried to keep my impending anxiety out of my voice as I trained my eyes on the taillights of my former classmate's sedan. Rain fell in a steady stream and made the long, winding path of granite pavers ahead of us a lot more slippery than I was willing to let on to DJ.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but the roads were pretty bad last night and now it's raining again all of a sudden. God forbid, something happens, I don't want you to end up stranded at some strange man's house."

"Who said it's a man?" I ventured. "We can't just assume because they're an executive, they're a man."

"No, but more than likely, it's a man. That's just statistics." DJ said matter-of-factly and I sighed. "I'm not trying to be overbearing, but I'm not gonna lie, the more I think about it, the more I don't like this house call idea, Tallie. It just seems risky to me."

I chewed my lip and adjusted my windshield wiper speed, "I'm sure it'll be fine DJ. I'll snap a picture of the house and send you the address before I go in. I promise."

His sigh was audible, "Alright, but if you get any weird vibes while you're there, get the hell out and call me."

"You know I will."

"Okay," he said slowly as I heard the squeak of his office chair. I could imagine him leaning back and running his fingers through his hair the way he always did when he was contemplating something.

"I love you." I softened.

"I love you too, babe. Don't be late for lunch. I got us reservations for your dad's. Simon needs me to take some stuff over for the engagement party and I figured we might as well do a two-in-one."

"Sounds good. I'll talk to you later."

"Be safe."

"You too," I replied as I ended the call and gazed out of my cleared windshield to make out a giant black modern-style mansion that appeared to be built out of iron sitting off to itself in the distance. Large windows nestled between the grid-like iron frame, but their dark tint prevented anyone from looking in. Enormous trees surrounded the property and formed an urban forest in the middle of the city. I couldn't see a building in any direction.

The pavers gave way to a stark black asphalt driveway that rounded the rest of the way to a towering gate with A M H perched on top.

Diego began to brake and I followed suit as we arrived to the security booth. I watched as he talked to the guard and gestured back to me before the gates opened the guard waved us both inside.

The driveway continued towards the front of the home until it reached a fork in the road where an unusual bronze fountain with a menacing grizzly bear statue stood underneath a wrought sign that had two arrows—one labeled guest and the other labeled main.

Diego turned in the direction of guest and once again I followed. Gradually, the modern mansion grew smaller in my rearview mirror and another smaller log-style cabin that appeared to be in the midst of construction came into view. Granted, "small" was relative because I was certain I'd never been on any property that had buildings quite so expansive—not even my sister's sprawling mansion.

The driveway changed textures a final time as the asphalt disintegrated into gravel and then finally dirt on the way up to the log cabin where a single light shone from the porch and revealed the same three letters that were on the fence had been crudely carved in the door: AMH.

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