chapter 2

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an: thank you so much for 5 reads!! also for 360 followers on tik tok love you all <3 lets get to the story! 

:proofed read. 

As the 3 pulled into the school parking lot Dream started to feel nauseous. He pushed it aside and unbuckled his seat belt then opened the car door stepping out into the autumn air.

"George, I'll bring you to the front desk to get you all set up. Dream see you 3rd period?" Bad asked as the car made a beep showing it was locked. Dream nodded making his way to the front doors of the school leaving Bad and George behind. Dream made his way to his locker before his first period class. Twisting his lock to the right to finish off the combination the metal door swung open revealing little to nothing. The only thing dream kept was some old books, pens, pencils, water bottle then the only thing he kept available in his locker.

A picture showing a woman at a park with a little girl looking into the camera sticking her tongue out then Dream holding the camera up smiling. This was taken when his mother and sister were still alive. His mother was one of the closest people he could talk to. She was sweet, smart and took care of her kids. Unlike his dad. She also looked like Dream. Sandy blond hair that went down to her shoulders, dark green eyes and tons of freckles scattered across her face.

His sister didn't look at him at all more like his father. She had dark brown hair that went down to her lower back and grayish blue colored eyes. Dream loved his sister dearly; he also had to do a lot for her. Whenever his dad was drunk on the couch and his mom was at work trying to keep the family steady for a little longer his job was to protect his sister from his dad.

!!TW Abuse, Drinking!!

9:04 only one more hour until his mom will be home. He can wait that long. His dad would probably still be out on the couch for at least an hour and a half.

"Stay here, I'll be as quick as possible," Dream said, starting to open the closet door. As light poured into the closet he quickly stepped out, closing the door again. He was surrounded by his sister's toys scattered on the floor along with some beer bottles and broken glass. Trying his best to avoid the glass he made his way out of his sisters room and down the hallway without being detected.  

Dream peaked his head out from behind the wall at the top of the stairs showing his dad laying face down on the couch beer bottle in hand. 'Grab food, run up stairs. Simple' Dream said his game plan before pressing his foot on the carpeted floor. He ran his hand along the banister making sure not to trip on the many clothes thrown around.

Dream signed in relief as his foot hit the tiled floor of the kitchen. He stuffed his pockets with fruit snacks, a bag of chips, gold fish then 2 apples. 'Step one complete' Dream looked up at the clock on the wall trying his best to figure out the time. 10:30? 9:30? 9:46? Dream soon regretted staying there for that long. There was a digital clock in his sister's room. Why didn't he just use that?

It was too late. He heard a loud groan from behind him. Dreams 12 year old body ducked under the dining room table laying face down to stay unnoticed. Footsteps of his dads stood up from the couch and made their way close to Dream. He held his breath as he saw his dad's boots walking by him. But they soon walked away going out of sight.

Dream let go of his breath thankful his dad didn't find him. But soon that relief washed away as quickly as it came when he heard the loud sound of boots going up the stairs. Before Dream could think he slid his small body out from under the table and sprinting towards the bottom of the stairs. Looking up he saw his dad's body at the top of the stairs making a left to his sisters room. As fast as he could he ran up the stairs and rushed to try and get his dad away from her. He was too late.

Dream heard a scream from behind the door and a loud thud. Slamming his whole body into the door he saw his sister on the ground, her body limp and his dad sipping the last of his beer out of the brown tinted bottle. Without thinking again Dream jumped onto his dads back leaning back and grabbing his hair pulling his dad to the ground.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!" Dream shouted, pulling on his dad's hair. Dream soon realized what he did was the stupidest thing he could ever do. His dad soon gripped both of his wrists and threw Dreams body against the wall. Dream let out a groan as his body slid down the wall.

"Don't ever do that again. You hear me?" Dream nodded. "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION BOY" His dad screams, taking a step closer to him lifting up the beer bottle into the air.

"Yes sir" Dream said, closing his eyes. Dreams dad scoffed making his way out. Before he left he chucked the glass bottle at his sister's causing the glass to break. Dream screeched as his sister's face was covered in glass and slowly blood. "No no no" Dream repeated carefully picking the glass pieces of her face. "Can you hear me?" he asked. No response. Dream started to panic, pulling his sister's chest to his ear. He could feel the heartbeat. "Thank god" Dream muttered, picking her up and laying her down on her bed. Dream now looks at the clock. 10:24.

His mom was supposed to be home by now. Dream got up closing the door and locking it then sitting down at the edge of the bed. Dream had no clue how to help his sister. What does she need? Dream waited occasionally glancing over at his sister's body on the bed. Her chest rose slowly and he could hear shaky breaths come out of her mouth.

11:57 pm no sign of his mom.

12:16 am still no sign of his mom.

12:43 am, no sign of his mom. Dream could hear his dad's loud snores from downstairs and didn't hear anything from his sister. Dream felt his eyes getting heavy he didn't want to sleep but there was nothing he could do. He fell into a deep sleep from the events that happened that day.


Dream was brought out of his thoughts as his locker door slammed shut causing Dream to jump.

"Hey there dreamie boy" The voice next to him said. Dream turned his head to see none other than Eret. He wore tight black jeans with a green shirt and his black shades that were perched on top of his head.

"What do you want?" Dream snarled. Eret just laughed at dreams attempting to frighten him. What did he want? Eret always wanted Dream to break and at some point and just run away. That's all dream wanted to do but he never could bring himself to do so. 

an: thank you for reading until the end! I think that ill post evey other day. I love all of you please take care of your self :) 

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