chapter 5

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an: here is chapter 5! ily :) also their are no more music fanart :( sadness

;not proofread (again lol)

Dream managed to get home that night with out his dad going ballistic. The days following him were the same. Go to school with Bad. Go to Georges house in his car. Do stupid shit in Georges room such as weird photo shoots, funny videos, baking and now they both really got into music. Dream would go home at 9pm with out his dad knowing his existence.

!!tw substance use!!

Dream was taking those pills. He found them in his mothers bathroom 2 months ago. Dream didn't bother to read the label when he found them. His mother always told him that when she was hurting she would take these to make it hurt less it would of course work for Dream. His father probably knew but didn't care. He never told any of his friends. He didn't have to it wasn't bad for him. 

!!tw over!!

Dream was starting to only get up and ready for the day for what it brings after school. He was now putting efort into what he looked like and how he acted. Why was he? Dream always knew he was bi but gay? no. no. no. no. maybe? Even if he was he knew George wasn't even with the picture of him kissing a guys cheek gave no hope. Friends do that all time, Dream would tell him self on repeat. 


why george? why! 

"when can we go to your house? I mean we are always here and I think it would be cool" George spoke. Dream didn't want to say no to him but also not yes. He knew George would go over to his house at some point but he didn't want him to know. Dream didn't want George to know about his father. Dream didn't want George to know about his life he closed off from others. Dream didn't want George to know anything. 

"erm- um soon! we are doing uh- work on th- the house! yes, the house and we we cant really have people over because of all the work on the house! such a shame!" Dream said putting on a fake smile that was probably to much as he look like a weird cartoon character.  

George gave Dream a weird look as they drove on the buzzing highway. "um ok" George spoke. "are you excited!" George added. Dreams mouth turned up words as he thought about what they were doing. George had found out that Dream used to play guitar. So George was being George and made Dream get back into it. George wanted Dream to play as they both sang. That's all George really wanted now. He knew that he was an ok singer. Dream thought other wise. 

"you bet!" Dream reported as he started to rapidly tap his feet against the carpeted floor of the car. Dream did want to get back into it but he never had the money. Georges mom was nice enough to give them some money to get different things. (lets pretend that guitars are really cheap (:) 

Dream was focused on getting a acoustic guitar. He believed that they sounded better. 


Dream was looking through all the different guitars laying on the wall of the store. He had no clue what he was going to choose. He had no clue what he was doing at this point he just wanted to grab one and go. George made sure to tell him that he needed to get the right one. No just picking one and leaving. Dream of course listened to George it was his mothers money. 

Meanwhile George was just walking around the store. His eyes took notice on a girl. She had short brown curly hair. Her eyes were a light blue. She was wearing ripped jeans and a navy blue hoodie. She was tall to George only a little bit shorter to him. He looked as she was looking through different microphones. Should I go up to her? no! I like Dream. but he probably doesn't like me back. hes probably straight. Just go up to her! George was deapating until he made eye contact with her light colored eyes. 

George smiled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. The girl started to make her way over to George who was in the guitar strap aiel. 

"hello!" She said giving another smile to George. 

"uh- hey!" George spoke putting his hands in his joggers pocket. "mind if I get your name?" George asked not wanting to be rude. 

"oh yeah the names Carly" She said putting her hand out for George to shake which he did so. "and you?" she added. 

"oh sorry about that im George" He said completely forgetting how to function. George its not that hard just speak! "your really pretty" George suddenly pointed out soon slapping his hand over his mouth. Carly just giggled at that. 

"thank you! your quite cute yourself if I may add" She said. 

"aha thanks" George said. He felt eyes burn through the back of his skull. He was sure it was some random but he was wrong. Dream stood at the end of the aiel staring George down wanting him to get away. If he asks for her number I swea- Dream cut him self off as he saw Georges phone in the girls hands. no no no no no no no no no no no no no. NO! Dream started to panic. 

Without think. again. Dream ran jumping onto Georges back. George caught under Dreams knees keeping them both up. 

"hey there Georgie!" Dream said loudly looking down at George from over his shoulder smiling like crazy. 

"h- hey Dream!" George was lost for words. Dream on his back. Touching him. Why did he have to feel this way? George was brought out of his thoughts as Carly's laugh rang through his ears. Why was George changing his mind ever 10 seconds! 

"heres your phone back George" Carly said walking off. George put his phone back into his joggers pocket and flung Dream off of his back. Dream fell to the floor landing on his back. 

"damn-" Dream said deciding his place was now on the floor. 


 want to talk about what he did and decided to ask Dream the question. "you find one?" All Dream did was look up and George and fall his head back to the ground. "come on Dream! you got to be motivated!" George said trying to get Dream up from the floor.

"motivation is a shit idea" Dream said slumping back to the floor. 


The two boys went home with a guitar that Dream forced George to choose and then a tuner. It was latter then expected around 11 at night. 

"want to just stay the night? We don't have school any ways" George asked looking at Dream then back at the road. Dream thought for a bit. His dad wouldn't even notice. Dream quickly agreed and the boys talked about what they wanted to do that night on the way home. 

an: thank you for 34 reads! hope you enjoyed the chapter and also thank you for 1,200 friends on tiktok!

Tik Tok-  imnootfoundbuttaken

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