chapter 6

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an: so so so sorry for not updating! I needed a break from writing for a bit and i'll try my best to update. thank you for the comments they really helped me get back into writing this story! anyways in joy :))

(fanart not mine)

:not proof read 

It was around 1 in the morning and George and Dream had been running around the house crazy. George was on the floor of his tiled kitchen as Dream searched through the cabnits for something to bake. 

"check up above the fridge" George said pointing up above the grey fridge. Dream nodded and walked over to the fridge. Dream could just see the top as only his eyes could reach. Dream scanned the top slowly before landing on a red box with lemons on the front. He grabbed the box, examined it before asking George.

"what about" he paused reading the label in big black letters. "lemon cake?" Dream threw the box on top of George.

"ew what the hell. when did we get this?" George looked on the back of the box. 

"you'll be fine, now get up" Dream reached his hand out to help George up. George didn't reject his hand, he grabbed it firmly as Dream pulled harshly on his arm. George jumped up landing on his feet. George's face not even a inch from Dreams. Their nose barely touching. Neither of them dared to move as there eyes locked. Dreams heart quickened as he looked into Georges chocolate brown eyes. 'kiss him goddamnit' Georges mind told him. Their hands still interlocked pressed against each others chests. George quickly closed the gap between them locking his lips to Dreams. Dream was shocked at first but kissed back soon after. After a bit George broke the kiss looking deep into Dreams green eyes. Dream doing the same.

"i-im sorry...." Dream said as he slowly let go of Georges hand and backed up. "i um- fresh air" Dream stated before turning and sprinting to the front door. Dream could hear George call after him but he kept running. Dream kept running down the dark streets that were dimly lit by the street lamps. He could hear the sound of water. Dream walked another block until he found him self at the beach. 

-George's POV-

'what did I do, what did I do, what did I do!' I shouted at my self. I should have known he wasn't gay why would he? He was perfect probably got all the girls anyways. I picked up the lemon cake box putting it in the panchtre. I tried to call Dream multiple different times but he never picked up. 

"Dream please come back, i'm really sorry for what I did. I should have know you didn't like me...." My voice got quiet. "i'm sorry please come back so I at least know your ok" I sent the voice mail hoping Dream would listen to this one. I paced around the house looking for things to do to try and keep me occupied. As I was folding laundry in the basement I heard foot steps. "Dream!?" I shouted. 

"honey?" My mom came around the corner and into the laundry room with me. "what are you doing up this late folding... laundry?" She asked me. "also where is your friend?" she added.

"mom" My lip trembled a bit. "I messed up" my voice broke as I flung myself into her arms. I had already told her that I was gay about a year ago. She accepted me luckily. She also loved my boyfriend at the time, but he soon ended it when he thought that he wasn't into guys. 

"what happened?" She asked me. My eyes became bloodshot. I shook in her arms as I cried. vision was blurry and throat sore. 

"I kissed him" I said quietly not wanting it to be true. "he ran out of the house and now he's not answering any of my calls or texts and he hates me and hes going to to tell eveyone at school and their all going to hate me and laugh at me" I blurted out. 

"honey no, no, no, no, he doesnt hate you. I see the way he looks at you he deffilty likes you but hes probably shocked right now and you need to give him space" She said to me. I just nodded and let her rub my back. 

-Dreams POV-

I was sitting at the top of the light house with my feet dangling off the edge. Pill bottle in hand. The clear plastic showing many still left. There was a nice breeze, blowing my hair out of my face. My phone kept on vibrating from all the calls and messages. I finally decided to look at them once they stopped. First the messages. George was repeating himself over and over again. saying hes sorry and that he should have asked. What hurt me the most was that he said that he knew I would never like him. I do like him though. But I couldn't bring my self to agree with it. I also listened to the voicemails. His voice was trembling through the phone as he talked. 'should I call him?' I asked my self. I decided to take some of the pills before doing so. Only three this time. 

The phone only rang for a second before it was picked up.

"DREAM?!" George yelled.

"george" I said as tears pilled up on my lower lid. 

"ARE YOU OK? SAFE?" George asked. 

"yes im fi-" George cut me off.

"oh thank god" I was happy he didn't yell this time.

"come to the lighthouse on the beach please" and with that I hung up the phone leaving George. 'what if he doesn't come?' I asked my self. "no he would come" I said aloud. Now waiting for George to arrive. 

an: Thank you again for 80 reads!! all the comments are so so so nice! thank you so much really :)). Please drop some ideas here or on my tiktok. stay safe and drink some water <333

tiktok @imnootfoundbuttaken

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