Chapter 3

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Devaki leaned against the window, as the train pulled out of the station. She would spend the whole day getting to where she needed to be. Neither of them knew if they would show up. The texts had stopped coming a while ago. She tried not to dwell on the fact that they might be dead. Devaki promised herself that she would stay away from the Halfblood. Her parents hated them, so did she. If they were dead, she would honor them with this resolution. The train pulled into the country.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" Devaki's ears shot straight up and the fur on her tail stood on end. She looked up. Rebel had one hand on the shoulder of the seat next to her, his golden green eyes scanning her face.

"S-sure." Devaki said. I didn't ask him to, so I should be fine. She thought trying to ignore him. She awoke some time later. Rebel was shaking her shoulder.

"We're here." Devaki grabbed her bag and pushed by him. Once in the station Devaki hurried to the main road and looked at the street signs. After a second she crossed the road and turned left. She wound through the small town to the inn. She checked in and waited. The next day she found the designated meeting place and waited there. It was a small bakery. Devaki bought some food and sat waiting. She waited all day till the sun set again in the west. She knew then that her parents wouldn't come. A news flash came on the TV screen above her. Apparently her city had locked down and no one was let in or out. Devaki went back to her room in the hotel. She gathered her things, payed the owner, and left for the train station. She was going to take the night train back. She got to the train station right before the train pulled away and crammed herself into a small car. That night she slept on her baggage in the back of one of the cars. When the train stopped early in the morning Devaki exited and walked back to the house she was staying at. Like always the owners weren't home. Devaki slipped into her bedroom and lay down. She checked her phone. She hadn't checked it for a few days. She rolled onto her back. Nineteen new text messages. Fourteen from the girls in her class and five from her parents. One missed call/voicemail from a random phone number. The girls were all asking if she had gone out with the Halfblood. Devaki told them that was true but she didn't plan on it again. And anyway the didn't need to worry, she didn't like any Halfbloods or any boy for that matter. Her parents were explaining their predicament and wishing her merry christmas. At last she listened fearfully to the voicemail from the random caller.

"Devaki," a mild tenor voice whispered into her ear, making the fur on her tail stand on end with fright. She glanced around the room. "I wanted to know if you have any other plans this week. Call back." It was the Halfblood, Rebel. For some reason Devaki added him to her contact list then set her phone on her bedside table. She had looked forward to seeing her family, but that plan was smashed in the snow. Her phone rang. She checked. It was Rebel. Not sure why, Devaki answered the phone.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey can you come ice skating with me?" Rebel growled. Devaki paused.

"Uh. . . Well uh." She paused again.

"I know I'm a Halfblood and you probably told your friends you would never talk to me again." Rebel shouted over the phone.

"Well, yeah I did, but. . ."

"Do you even know how hard it is to be a Halfblood?" He interrupted. "I thought you were different."

"How could you think that?" Devaki suddenly snapped. "I barely even know you!" Her ears laid flat against her head and her tail bristled.

"I've watched you. I guess I was wrong, or will you come?" Rebel roared over the phone.

"I'll come." Devaki sighed.

"Good. Rink at the mall. Meet me there at one." Rebel snapped and hung up. Devaki put her phone down and groaned. Sure Rebel was the best looking boy in the class, but he was a Halfblood. Just this one time. Devaki thought. She got ready for the day and ate a light lunch. She arrived at the rink at twelve fifty. Rebel was sitting on a bench reading. Devaki took a deep breath then walked over and sat by him.

"Glad you showed up." He said looking up. Devaki's ears went down.

"Sorry about what happened on the phone call." She said. Rebel put his hand on the back of her head and slid it down to the base of her skull. Devaki felt her ears stick straight up. Her spine tingled.

"Don't worry about it. Go grab skates. I already have mine." He said. Devaki hurried over and rented skates. Her heart was pounding. The look in his eyes made her feel hot. It doesn't mean anything. She told herself as she walked back to the bench and began strapping her skates on.

"I haven't really done this before." She said standing, wobbling slightly. Rebel grinned pushing back his black hair from his eyes. His fangs gleamed, Devaki cringed. He helped her out onto the ice. Devaki had to be careful not to let her tail brush the ice, where someone might skate over it. She watched it happen to a young leopard girl, the girl screamed like the devil was after her, as blood spurted from the wound.

"Alright, couples only on the ice." A loud speaker said. Devaki felt her hands being grabbed. Rebel flashed her a smile as the lights dimmed and dark colored lights came on. Devaki held tightly to his hands as they skated around the rink. Rebel went backwards gently guiding her. Quite a few other groups were going the same way. It didn't have to be boy girl. It could be boy boy or girl girl.

"You're good." Rebel said brushing her tail with his. Devaki shrugged, her ears laying back with embarrassment.

"Thanks I can't actually do it without help." The rink opened back up and more people came on.

"Try by yourself." Rebel said letting go of Devaki's hand. Devaki tried once, spun in a circle, then her legs flew out from beneath her. She would have hit her back, had Rebel not grabbed her arm. "You're like a dying bird, pinecone." He laughed, taking both her hands to help her balance. Devaki laughed.


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