Chapter 17

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Devaki sat on her bed. She was currently living with Camille. Her parents didn't care. She had a few days left until school started. Even after being reassured by Camille and the others, she still felt nervous. They had held a small funeral for her parents. Something knocked on her window. Devaki looked up. Rebel was hanging off the roof. Devaki opened the window.

"Does my girlfriend want to go see a movie then get lunch?" He asked. Devaki grabbed her phone and hopped out the window. She spent almost every day practicing with her wings. Now, she was almost as good as Rebel.

"Ready for school?" Devaki asked as they bought tickets. She could feel hostility, but they weren't as mean as the other Halfbloods. Rebel didn't answer. Devaki glanced at him. His eyebrows were drawn together and a slight frown shaded his face. "Rebel?"

"What? Oh yes, school. Yeah, I'm ready." They settled into their seats.

"Rebel are you okay?" Rebel forced a smile and kissed her.

"Don't worry about me, pine cone." He laughed. Devaki shrugged.

"Whatever." She muttered. Every now and then she would look at Rebel during the movie. He wan't watching it, just staring at his hands. When they exited Devaki felt uncomfortable.

"Are you sure your fine? You've been acting weird."

"I'm fine." They walked down the sidewalk. Devaki felt her phone buzz. She pulled it out. It was Akela.

"Hang on. Hi Akela." Devaki said turning and answering the call.

"Devaki there is a wolf couple looking for you around town. They are headed to the train station right now. The male is a pure metallic silver wolf and the female is a snow white wolf. I thought they might you parents. Bye." Akela hung up.

"What did she want?" Rebel asked.

"She might have seen my parents." Devaki leapt into the air. Rebel followed her as she zoomed over the city towards the train station. Then she saw the couple. She landed on the station roof. Rebel settled beside her.

"Are they?" He asked looked at the wolf couple.

"Yes." Devaki said. She waited till the couple passed below them then dropped off the roof. "H-hello?" The couple turned and looked at her. Devaki had her wings tucked in so they couldn't see them.

"Devaki!" They threw their arms around her. Devaki hugged them back.

"I went to the city to look for you but out house was burned down and exploded. I thought you guys were dead." She said tears of joy filling her eyes. She heard a low growl from her father. Devaki looked behind her. Rebel stood a little ways off.

"What are you looking at Halfblood." Snarled her father.

"I was just waiting uh never mind." Rebel said catching Devaki's eye.

"Do you know him?" Her mother asked. Devaki nodded.

"He's in my class." She said slowly. Her father growled.

"You're the boy that was bullying my daughter." He growled and sprang at Rebel hitting him on the side of the face.

"Wait!" Devaki yelled pulling away from her mom and running after them. Rebel was running away with her father chasing him. He was dizzy from the hit and was having a a hard time trying to fly.

"Devaki!" Her mother shrieked. Devaki knew her mother had seen her wings. She flew along the roof passing up her father and Rebel. Her father nearly had Rebel. Devaki dropped in front of him, wings spread.

"Father stop!" She cried. He skidded to a strop a few feet away.

"Devaki what sorcery is this?" He growled, his fangs flashing.

"I visited the secret citadel of the Halfbloods and got changed." Devaki said. "Rebel is my friend now."

"The Halfblood has a name. Well if he want's to live, he had better raise you up and get those wings off of you. You are a wolf. Find us at the hotel. Don't come till you are rid of those." Her father growled. He and her mother stormed past her. Rebel was on his knees a hand on the side of his face. As they passed Devaki, her mother knocked her to the ground.

"Hurry." Devaki sat up and looked at Rebel. He was kneeling on the ground hands on his face.

"Let's go." He sighed.

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