Chapter 8

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As a class they chose tag when they left the breakfast hall. Devaki was walking down to the field with the others when Akela tapped her left shoulder.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked, black ears drooping. Devaki followed her behind the teachers cabin. Ari was waiting there. His ears and tail drooped as well. Devaki kept alert, her sensitive wolf ears picking up faint sounds.

"Yes?" Devaki said. The two looked at eachother.

"We-we're sorry about your fall. It was our fault and . . ." They trailed off looking behind her. Devaki turned and ran into Rebel's chest.

"Oh hi Rebel w-what are you doing here?" She asked stumbling back.

"So you two set up that prank." Rebel said catching Devaki's arm and glaring at Akela and Ari. The two culprits nodded.

"W-we were just telling Devaki." Ari said nervously.

"It's okay. But why did you do it?" She asked. Both of them looked at each other then nervously at Rebel. Devaki looked confused as Rebel growled.

"I'll tell you why later. For now I have to talk to these two." He snarled pushing Devaki out towards the game. Akela and Ari stood petrified. Later that day, Rebel found Devaki drawing at an outdoor picnic table. He sat down next to her. Devaki's ears went back slightly but she didn't say anything.

"Hi Rebel." She said at last looking up at him. He nodded, his own ears perking forward as he snuck a look at what she was drawing. It was the inside of the cavern.

"Why aren't you playing volleyball with the others?" He asked.

"It hurts my arm. Why aren't you playing?" She asked going back to her sketch hoping he would go away.

"I never do." He replied somewhat coldly. He saw her smile faintly and her tail twitch, as if that was the answer she had expected. "Devaki they set up a test for me using you. That was their prank." Rebel told her awkwardly. Devaki nodded still looking at her drawing and adding a few adjustments.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"That was the faulty straps on your harness. They knew only someone with real wings could save you." He said. He could see her cheeks burn as she realized what he meant. Rebel glanced around. It would be difficult to see them from where they were.

"Devaki?" She stopped and looked back up at him. Slowly he put one hand under her chin and kissed her. He watched her eyes widen. Suddenly his right cheek was on fire. Devaki leapt up. She had brought her left hand around and slapped his cheek. Rebel recoiled looking surprised.

"I don't mind being your friend even if you are a Halfblood! And I am very thankful you saved my life. But I am not your dog who will do what you want. Don't get cocky with me, Halfblood!" Devaki yelled. Rebel surged up and grabbed her collar dragging her face a few inches from his.

"Don't talk to me like that, dog!" He snarled shoving her hard, so that she fell on her back hitting her arm on the bench. She narrowed her eyes at him and bared her teeth. She crouched, then sprang at him teeth bared. Rebel launched himself into the air. Devaki leapt of the table. He avoided her again. The dinner bell rang. Rebel flew off. Devaki glared at his back as she grabbed her things and went to dinner. She and Rebel coldly ignored each other for the rest of the evening. Devaki was fuming. He was a Halfblood, he should never treat a pure blood like that. It was true that she sometimes forgot that he was a Halfblood. That night they played ghost in the graveyard, which ended up as disaster. Uma and Zia face planting, Laydon who was the tagger collided with Aragorn and was knocked unconscious by Aragorn's ram horns, Devaki ran smack into a tree while trying to escape Akela. The next day they went to a lake for a day of swimming and to learn the petrification process. Devaki was forbidden from swimming because of her injuries. There were canoes and paddle boards in a boat house. They were allowed to go swimming, and to use the boats if they asked first. Devaki sat on the bank learning how to weave the tough sturdy reeds into a large mat to sit on. Rebel got a kick out of making people think he was a shark. Akela nearly had a heart attack when he did it to her. That night Devaki didn't feel like sleeping in her tent so she slept outside.

"Hot?" Rebel asked her. He was still out helping the camp guide clean up. Devaki turnied on her side and ignored him. She heard him walk over and crouch down.

"Devaki just stop will you? I hate being a Halfblood just about as much as you hate Halfbloods. . . or me. My whole family and extended family are pure bloods like you. They treat me like a curse as well. Will you just stop?"

"What makes you different from other Halfbloods? You're all savage, mean, and impolite." Devaki snapped, turning and glaring at him. Rebel sighed.

"Alright, I'm sorry I kissed you without permission." He growled through clenched teeth.

"Good." Devaki snapped turning away. Rebel growled, but stood and left. 

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