Chapter 12

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Devaki kept a close eye on Akela for the whole performance. Her friend seemed to lose nervousness and enjoy the filming and dress rehearsal. Finally, it was the last scene. Devaki had hurriedly changed into a different costume, but her hair and makeup stayed the same. The costume had rips, and suggested the hard times she had been through. The last scene was also her main scene with Rebel, the Halfblood prince. Unfortunately it was also the longest scene. There would be an intermission and the cameras were stopped to get more film. Intermission was almost finished. Bahira walked quietly up to Devaki.

"Devaki, I know you probably have the hardest job out there right now, but you have to make it seem real. In every other rehearsal we've done, you fake kissed the Halfblood prince. Try harder please." Bahira said before returning to her seat. Devaki scowled. But the scene went pretty quickly. It was mostly romantic dialogue between the Halfblood prince and the white wolf warrior princess. The kiss would be the close of the play. When it came Devaki felt cold and nervous. She wasn't sure how Rebel was all cool. Right as their lips touched the lights went out and the play was over.

"Cut." Called Bahira and Devaki backed a few steps away from Rebel. Then all the lights came on. Devaki pushed Rebel away. Akela rushed onto the stage and she and Devaki hugged each other.

"You're alive." Devaki laughed.

"Ha! And you managed to look more romantic than a dead fish for a change." Akela teased.

"Well done both of you. Akela for your first time on stage, and Devaki for actually following instructions." Bahira laughed. Devaki grinned and pulled away from the group hug. She turned to go and ran into Rebel. He gripped her, pinning her arms to her sides as he kissed her. Devaki pushed away.

"Hold that for the performance." She growled, knowing Rebel could see the faint blush of her cheeks.

"Okay." He said as she rushed off to remove her makeup and get into normal clothes.

"He needs to keep his hands to himself." She hissed to herself in the bathroom as she finished washing away the makeup. A few of the other girl actors entered and also began removing makeup and costumes. When Devaki got home she flopped on her bed. Her phone buzzed on the bedside table. She picked it up. It was from her parents. They hadn't been able to text in months. Devaki stay away from Halfbloods at all costs now. They are attacking our city and killing every pure blood. We will wait at our house and hide in the cubby. Your mother and I are trapped in.... The message ended. Devaki leapt up. She texted Bahira, Quick, find someone else to play my part in the play tomorrow! I have an emergency and can't make it. Devaki put her phone in her pocket, and glanced around. Then she took her phone out of her pocket and dropped it on the bed. Her phone began to buz as Bahira texted her frantically asking what the emergency was. Devaki turned her back on the phone and walked out the door. Right outside the door was Rebel.

"Devaki listen to me." He began voice and eyes urgent. Devaki layed her ears back at him and growled.

"Go away Halfblood." She shoved him hard in the chest and raced to the train station. She bought one ticket and climbed aboard the train. The conductor gave her a look.

"You know the city is under attack?" He asked. Devaki nodded. Soldiers filled the train cramming into every space available. Devaki apparently took up space and was stowed in a luggage rack overhead. Then the train sped off. It went faster than it normally should, but providing soldiers to subdue the attack was important. Devaki slept for most of the train ride. She awoke when she heard the sounds of guns in the distance. The soldiers below her stood ready. Suddenly the train screeched to a halt. Only a mile away was the city.

"This is as far as we can go." Called the conductor. Devaki waited for the area below her to clear before riggiling off her perch. She scampered out of the train.

"Little girl, this is a war zone. Go home." A hound general said with a flick of his tail. Devaki was about to say something when the train gave a shrieking whistle and sped away. "Listen kid, I need you to get out of here as fast as you can. I can't take care of you." The general growled. Devaki was aware that the soldiers were all watching and listening. She bristled her tail and laid back her ears.

"I don't need you to take care of me. I didn't ask you to come along with me on that train." Devaki snapped back. The general raised an eyebrow at her.

"I don't know how you got on that train, but you can't come to the city. Understand? Form up troops." The general marched to the front of the soldiers and slowly they formed up into straight lines. Devaki glared at his back seething. A soldier at the back of the line turned and handed her a loaf of bread.

"Good luck kid." He said gruffly. Then after glancing around he whispered, "Don't chew on anything sharp." The line started moving and he marched off. Devaki looked at bread loaf. There was an unusual cut along one side. Devaki slowly opened the bread. A small dagger was inside the hollow crust. She ate the crust and slid the dagger into her belt. She knew this countryside like the back of her hand. She ran, skirting the perimeter till she reached a door on one side of the city wall. She opened it and slipped in. She gasped. Dead people were everywhere, so were the wounded. A blast went off from one side of the city. Guns fired everywhere. Devaki ran. She would have to cross the square if she wanted to reach her house quickly. Halfbloods were everywhere. Devaki had to hide from them. Very few pure bloods were seen. Most were dead or fighting elsewhere. As she darted through the city, Devaki heard the sound of a crying baby. She slowed and ran to where the sound came from. Her silver white ears and tail were no longer silver white but grey white from ash. She dug through some crates. Hidden under the boxed in a hollow was a Halfblood baby.

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