Chapter 16

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"Rebel we're being followed." Devaki whispered. Rebel barely glanced back through his bangs.

"Whenever someone takes the opportunity to become a Halfblood, almost everyone comes to watch them. Especially if they have wings." Rebel said spreading his own wings and looking up at the sky.

"Why?" Devaki asked suspiciously. Rebel laughed, his wolf fangs flashing in the new light of day. Then he leapt into the air.

"Come." He called. Devaki leapt after him. Rebel soared up higher and higher into the air spinning slightly. Devaki followed. She found out that the slight spin gave her more speed. Suddenly Rebel dove past her weaving through the air. Devaki followed him, attempting to mimic his movements. She was not as graceful as he was at first. Rebel was enjoying making her try, as he flew around her in circles.

"What if I fall?" She yelled as he swooped by her.

"Then you fall." He laughed swinging by her. He grabbed her waist spinning in a circle, wings spread wide. His momentum pulled her upward. She pressed her back against him and her wingtips against his. "The way you feel wind now, is the way it is supposed to feel." Rebel whispered in her ear. Then he slowly released her.

"Wow." Devaki laughed. A few other Halfbloods with wings flew up and swooped around her.

A few days later they left the secret citadel. On the train ride back to the big city Devaki began to feel self concious. As Halfbloods they had to take whatever spot available. Rebel sat in the back, while Devaki sat in front. The trip back seemed longer than it took to get there. Supid. Stupid. Stupid. What was I thinking lowering myself to a Halfblood? Devaki thought angrily to herself as they train pulled away from the station. She glared back at Rebel. He was asleep on the window. Devaki sighed and pulled out her phone. Slowly she texted Camille.


Hey, wasup friend. Waiting for Jaylen to find food he been gone two hour and i dont know what he doing. Why you text?

I think I just made a big mistake, but I'm not sure if it bad or not actually.

What did you do?

I lowered my standards. . .

What do you mean by. . . Hi Devaki this is Jaylen, Camille's best person, best friend, boyfriend ha ha ha I just stole Camille's phone ha ha. Say Hi to Rebel.

Jaylen, did you drink coffee or something else?

Ok this is Camille again, uh yeah. He's hyped. Are you on your way back now?


Ok, we'll pick you up at the train station tomorrow. Devaki sighed and put her wings over her head. There was no way she could hide her decision, forever. But do I really want to hide? What if I could help the Halfbloods? She thought. No! No! No! I am born a pure blood, I just added a bit of decoration. Devaki growled quietly. Finally the next day, they were pulling into the station. Devaki saw Camille and Jaylen with Aerie and Tevin. She waited for the obvious pure bloods to leave, before she stood and left with Rebel. Devaki felt ashamed to stand with pure bloods and even her friends. Is this what Rebel feels like? She thought, still looking out the window. Lips touched her cheek. Devaki turned and looked up at Rebel.

"Coming?" He asked. How can I go out in public? Devaki thought wildly. No shelter, and I'm as self conscious as if I wet my pants! She sighed. Rebel sat down next to her. "You okay?" He asked.

"I feel like I didn't make the right decision." She said slouching in her seat.

"Get off the train Halfbloods, or I call the police." The conductor shouted. Rebel and Devaki exited quickly. Camille hugged Devaki right as she left the train.

"You made the right choice." She whispered. "Rebel, how?" She asked him.

"I took her to my home away from home and she asked for it." Rebel said.

"But do you guys think I made the right choice?" Devaki asked folding her wings as tight as they would go. Camille pulled one of her wings out into the open.

"Yes, of course. I need to do this!" Aerie laughed admiring the shimmering wing. Devaki pulled the wing back onto her back.

"Well I'm glad." She said quietly. Jaylen fist-bumped Rebel.

"How about a lunch to celebrate?" Jaylen asked slipping an arm around his girlfriend and resting his head on hers.

"Fine by me." Devaki laughed.

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