Chapter 15

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Devaki waited on a bench outside of a large door, getting strange looks from people who passed. Two guards stood on either side of the bench. More to protect her, incase an angry Halfblood attacked her, than incase she would run. Inside Rebel was talking with a cluster of soldiers and Ransome. Did she really want to do this? So much of her credibility could be lost. Rebel popped his head out the door.

"You can come in Devaki." He said. She rose slowly and entered, the guards flanking her. Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it was going to bust out of her chest. A soldier motioned to a chair in front of a desk. Devaki slowly slid into it. Her tail was standing on end and her ears were twitching wildly. Rebel put a firm hand on her shoulder.

"You're Devaki Avatar, right?" Ransome asked settling in front of her behind the desk. She nodded. He wrote on a few pieces of paper. "And you are requesting to be 'fixed'. In other words brought up from your fallen position to a higher place of living?" Ransome asked. Devaki didn't like how he phrased the question. She was about to talk back and tell them it was them who were mixed and that she, was lowering herself to their level, but the presure of Rebel's hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Yes sir." She said, trying to stay calm. He nodded.

"What was the requested transformation?" He asked, his pen pausing over the paper.

"I wanted to add wings, like Rebel's." Devaki said her face getting slightly red.


"Silver white. . . to match my ears and tail." The soldiers nodded.

"Perfect, I'll take you to the transformation room." Ransome said his scale covered bunny ears twitching. He rose and Devaki followed him. They went into the room right beside the room they had just been. "My wife will take over from here. You can always come back and have the transformation removed." He said. Devaki turned to see a woman with lion ears and tail, but with porcupine quills sticking out of her back. Ransome left the room and his wife locked the door behind him. She closed all the blinds. She made Devaki get undressed and step into a glass cylinder. Cuffs were fastened to her ankles and wrists. Her feet were sealed to the floor while here arms were stretched out on either side. The glass cylinder went away. Shocks or some electric current passed through the cuffs and into her body. Devaki gritted her teeth. Maybe this was a bad idea. Her back was on fire. She could see the bolts of electricity snapping along her arms and racing up her legs. After five minutes of excruciating pain the shocks were released and she drooped. Devaki glanced over her shoulder. Beautiful silver white wings were folded on her back. The woman unlocked the cuffs. She had put Devaki's clothes through a different machine, and now there were nice holes for her wings, plus they were all washed.

"There you go. Change, then leave." She said, not in an unkindly tone. Devaki was glad to see that the woman stayed around to help her get her wings in place. "You won't be able to fly for a few days, but Rebel can teach you as your muscles get stronger." She advised. Devaki felt slight pain as she left the room. Her muscles were still a little sore from the shocks. Rebel met her outside the door and admired her wings.

"Did she give you any instruction?" He asked.

"She said I won't be able to fly for a few days, but you might be able to teach me as my muscles get stronger." Devaki said. Rebel grabbed one of her wings and pulled it open. The inside was even more beautiful than the outside. It seemed to glow with a soft white light like the moon.

"I can definitely help you fly." He said spreading one of his glossy black wings and holding it against the one he had opened. One of the soldiers approached them. Devaki recognized him as the one who had bound her earlier. Without speaking to her, he unlocked the metal band from her neck and took it.

"You're free." He said. He nodded politely to her and left.

"Can you open your wings?" Rebel asked. Devaki laughed.

"Ha! I can't even feel my wings right now." They left the building.

"What are you going to tell the girls?" Rebel asked.

"Well they knew me when I was a pure blood, and I haven't changed besides adding wings to my back. Halfbloods are different in looks but they are the same as pure bloods in personality and who they actually are. They aren't monsters." Devaki said. "But what I don't get is how you were the class bully."

"I guess I knew I was different. They made fun of me till I began beating them up for it. I made them fear me to show I had power as well." Rebel said with a shrug.

"Well I was definitely afraid of you for the first term." Devaki muttered. Rebel just gave her a sideways look, but didn't comment. They spent the rest of the afternoon just wandering around as the muscles in Devaki's wings began to warm up. By the end of the day she could open them, but still not fly. That night Devaki stayed in a hotel while Rebel spent the night with Ransome. The next day Devaki's wings were stronger. It was the third day when they attempted flying.

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