Chapter 10

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When Rebel came, Devaki put her phone in her purse and shouldered it. She took a deep breath. Why am I all excited? She thought as she opened the door. Rebel stood in the doorway. He wore stylish black tennis shoes, blue jeans, a watch, and a white t-shirt under a black denim jacket. He looked at her and nodded.

"Grab a jacket, it might get chilly." He said. Devaki grabbed a white jacket, the hood lined with fur.

"Where are we going?" Devaki asked as they walked down the street.

"We're meeting up with some friends of mine." Rebel said shortly, ending the conversation. Why did I even say yes to this Halfblood? Devaki thought. I can't keep saying yes forever, or he might get the wrong idea. He's a Halfblood and I am a wolf. We stay pure. As they entered town, Devaki noticed four people dressed like them. Rebel lead her over. There were two girls and two boys.

"Hey Rebel are you ready to go?" One of the girls asked. Strange, that they should treat him as a friend. Devaki thought.

"Yep. Guys this is my girlfriend Devaki. Devaki this is Tevin and his girlfriend Aerie and Jaylen and his girlfriend Camille." Rebel said. Devaki smiled at the other girls. She decided not to say anything about not actually being Rebel's boyfriend. They grinned back. Aerie was a red panda and Camille was a honey badger. Tevin was a normal badger and Jaylen was a tasmanian devil.

"So what are we doing?" Tevin asked gently touching his black mohawk.

"How about we get lunch first?" Jaylen suggested running a hand through his brown gold hair.

"Did you even have breakfast? It's to early for that." Camille asked. Jaylen laughed and put his arm around her.

"Can we just go to that cool place by the lake and stroll around till we see something to do or until lunch time?" Aerie suggested shyly.

"Sure, why not?" Rebel said. "What do you think Devaki?" Devaki suddenly realized everyone was looking at her.

"Oh, I-I'm fine with anything." She said quickly. They wandered as a small group laughing and talking. Devaki began to grow less shy around the other girls. Aerie was shy and had brown hair and brown eyes. Camille had jet black pixie cut hair with pink dyed ends. One side was a bit longer hiding one of her blue eyes. She was not shy at all. They went down to the rocky bank and walked along it talking. As they walked Devaki felt Rebel slip her hand into his. After a second's hesitation she closed her fingers around his.

"Ok it's twelve now, so what do we want to do for lunch?" Tevin asked looking at his watch.

"How about chinese?" Camille asked. Devaki shrugged and nodded.

"Thai?" Aerie asked.

"Pizza." Rebel said coldly.

"Mexican." Jaylen argued.

"No, Indian." Tevin voted.

"Why don't we split up and meet back here with food and we can all share something?" Aerie said fingering her red tail. They agreed and split up. Camille and Devaki both went to the chinese cart and bought food. They were the first back to the meeting place.

"Camille, what do you think of Rebel?" Devaki blurted out.

"I like him as a friend I mean. Why?"

"Well I've always been taught and I always thought that Halfbloods were cursed. I know I should tell him no, but I keep saying yes." Devaki sighed her ears drooping.

"Rebel can be a hard person to get along with, but he is one of the most loyal people I have ever known. I would say forget he is a Halfblood. You are very lucky he noticed you. Give him a chance. We are friends with him because we are willing to overlook the fact that he is a Halfblood." Camille said after a few minutes of thought. Devaki nodded and sat thinking. Slowly the others trickled in. They ate silently.

"What do we do now?" Tevin asked when they had cleaned up.

"We could go swimming and watch something at my house." Rebel said.

"Yes! I love your TV." Jaylen said. Rebel looked at Devaki. She nodded and gave him a small smile. They had to get swimsuits from their houses, but they all met at Rebel's in an hour. They spent the rest of the afternoon swimming. Rebel used his wings under water as well as above. As it was getting dark they went into Rebel's huge house. They argued about movies to watch. The girls said they were fine with anything if they could take a shower. As she walked to the stairs to go take a shower Devaki saw family pictures hanging up on a wall. She stopped to look at them. Rebel's father was a black wolf and his mother was a white wolf. His little sister was a cockatiel. But there was no picture of Rebel.

"They're embarrassed to have me. I have to stay in the attic whenever relatives visit." Rebel said in her ear. Devaki jumped and slapped at his leg with her tale.

"Whoa, I'm sorry." Rebel shrugged and walked back to join the movie argument. Jaylen and Tevin wanted to watch a romance while Rebel wanted an action thriller movie. He was outvoted. When the girls came back down to watch, Devaki realized that Jaylen forgot to mention that Rebel didn't have a big couch. She found herself squished between Rebel and Camille. She, like Rebel and Camille, was not interested in the romance.

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