Oneshot: Grief

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Why is it so dark? Wait... huh?.. oh.. yeah...

"Amiya, Doctor! I'll hold her off. Get Miss Chen Out of here!" I shouted, avoiding the Flames from 'Her'.

"Haruno! We can't just leave you-" She pleaded before coughing, some blood spilling out of the corner of her mouth.

"No. This decision is Final, Amiya. Doctor, please get both of them out of here, I can hold 'Her' off just fine." I calmly said to the Doctor, One of the rings in my right hand broke, That's 2 out of 8 now.

The Doctor hesitated before dragging both The Donke-Cautus and the Unconscious Dragon out of here.

"I... am the keeper of the void."

"Hoooo? You're holding me off? How foolish, you know you can't win." 'She' said mockingly, sending another wave of Flames towards me.

I gently raised my right arm and....

"Rho Aias." I spoke the name of the Phantasm. Names are powerful they said, and it's true and pretty much applies to 'Their' Noble Phantasm, It will never be mine.

7 Petals blooms from my right arm, shielding me from the Scorching Flames, but it's not going to hold long.

Crack! One of the Petal broke. I feel the feedback from it.

"Darkness of nothingness, filled with weapons"

"No matter how many times you do struggle, you know you're gonna lose, You saw what happened to the Two earlier, and yet you persist to this farce." 'She' mocked.

Crack! Another one broke, along with another ring.

My time is running out, My Limit is nearing. My vision is slowly becoming tunneled. I need to end this now.

"Haaaah? Struggle? You're too competent, Tallulah." I answered back.

Behind me, A small briefcase formed, and floated, aimed at 'Her'.

"Project Prometheus, Activate." I spoke with firm tone. The Briefcase opened itself, revealing an Launcher of some sort. As far as I remember, "Project Prometheus" Is not supposed to exist In this world. But yet, My Own Reality Marble, Voided Soul, have its record floating in the black world.

'She' sharpened her gaze at the floating Cannon, and immediately rushed to me, intending cut me down, but it also caused her to drop 'Her' barrage of Flames.

I dispelled "Rho Aias" and immediately called "Morgan", The HK416 My sister wielded. Holding it with one hand, the other ready to call anything incase of needing to counter, I fired a quick burst at 'Her' , but it didn't reach the target, melting quickly as it reached a barrier of heat.

"Prometheus, Ready." The Cannon spoke, indicating its ready to fire Any Moment.

Dispelling "Morgan", I called Yato's sword "Mizuno" and used the other part of my arts to give it the concept of [Unbreaking], I rushed toward 'Her'.

'She' Ignited her sword, thinking of melting Mizuno. But once we locked blades, it didn't. Even in Extreme heat, it won't melt, nor crack under the force 'She' Applies. Her focus in my sword, and me. That's good.

'Mental command, Fire.' I gave command into the Cannon to fire. I felt it trying to refuse it, with me in it's way when it fires,but my orders are absolute.

The cannon fired a powerful blast, heading towards me And 'Her'.

"Owari Da!" I shouted. Then everything went white, then black. I heard 'Her' Scream in pain, but i remained silent.

OST Stops

So that's what happened....
I opened my eyes, only to notice that my left eye is only seeing blurs now.

"Ah... Feedback." I concluded. Using Noble Phantasm, Or Other Powerful Weapons rapidly will cause my body to slowly burn, or so Kal'tsit told me.

I brought up my arms, all but one of the rings are gone. My sleeves are burned, my body is full of bruise.

I slowly got up, coughing blood.

Looking around, i noticed that I got pushed back several meters from where we stood before. Looking around I also see a body, breathing. I immediately limped towards it.

"Tallulah..." I murmured, noticing that both her horns are broken, her clothes mostly ripped. Her skin showing cuts, bruises and burns too.

"Ah...'re here..." I widened my eyes when she spoke my name.

"Tallulah... is.. is that really you?" I slumped down besides her, kneeling and shaking.

"... Yes..." she said while breathing raspy.

"That's... really you... right? Not... the snake?" I asked, my voice is shaking, and I'm trying real hard to control myself.

"Yes.... it's really me... H-he... he just vanished when the [Prometheus] hitted both of us." she said, her chest is going up and down as she tries to catch her breath.

"G-good..Good...I guess... Welcome back, Tal..." I smiled, and a tear falls down on my eyes.

"Y-yeah... I m-missed you too... Haru.." She spoke and tried to smile, bringing one of her arms to my face.
"A-and.... S-sorry..." her arm went down, and her breathing stop.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I shouted and grabbed her arms again. then hugged her limp body.
I wailed.
I cried.
I suffered alone, in the void filled with weapons.
I cursed myself for being too late.
I cant.
I stopped crying.
I also stopped breathing.

I don't know what came to my mind when I've read this. I'm just bored. Sooooo
Rate it 1-10 if it's good, or really bad.
and yes,this is also inspired abit by FATE. Haruno have something similar to EMIYA and yet not.

It's obviously a different power, and Haruno also have a different Reality Marble.

See ya!

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