Glaive 1-6: Home Sweet Home.

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"....!" someone shakes him

'Huh...?' Eis was confused.

"!" the voice grows louder.

'What...?' Eis was growing more confused.

"Mr. Eis!" the shaking intensifies by two and Eis jolted awake, looking straight at Amiya.

"What." He can only utter before Amiya sighs in relief.

A sigh came from the left and he sees Kal'tsit holding her forehead. The Doctor looked confused on what to do.

"Mr. Eis, are you okay? Did you overused your Arts?" Amiya asked

Eis finally remembered that he just got out of the combat test area.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine. I just passed out because I feel—yawns—sleepy. Sorry about that." Eis apologize as he scratched his neck sheepishly.

"A-Are you sure?" Amiya asked again.

Eis sent a small smile at the young girl, for her to be this mature...

"Yes, I'm fine. I just need some sleep, using the other part of my Arts for extended period of time leaves rather tired." He explained as he got up and stretched.

the 725 and UMP45 floated back from the ground up behind his back as he stands up

"Well then, I'll see you all—!" Eis was stopped by Kal'tsit.

"You're getting deployed soon, Glaive. Please get ready tomorrow." Kal'tsit said "You're going into Lungmen first to secure a safehouse and make sure Réunion won't find out about it."

Eis stopped, did a 180 to face Kal'tsit, and gave a Salute before doing another 180 and walking away.

Safe to say that everyone is confused about that.

Eis went back to his dorm to take a bath and change clothes, went to Closure's Office to tell her that he's been assigned into a mission already and he's taking a week off. (getting yelled at too.) and going to dinner with Torrent's squad as they returned from a recon trip.


The Next Day, 0600, Rhodes Island Deck.

Eis is wearing a similar clothes from yesterday, but this time he have a full hoodie. behind his back is a bag with clothes and several other personal things.

Both the 725 and the UMP45 floating behind his back with a floating Ice seemingly hold it still.

He was waiting for the helo that will drop him at Lungmen when Kal'tsit, Amiya and Doctor walk towards him.

"Dr. Kal'tsit, Doctor, Amiya. Guten Morgen." He greeted them with a smile.

Doctor and Kal'tsit was slightly confused, but Amiya automatically responded with "Good morning", not finding it weird.

"I supposed you're not arriving as soon as possible? Possibly a week from now?" Eis asked.

"Yes, we will arrive there in a week, Glaive, sorry for making you go as soon as possible..." Amiya explained and apologized.

Eis shook his head at disagreement.

"No, I'm fine with that, that's just mean I can enjoy a few more days in Lungmen after I'm done with the safehouse." Eis chuckled.

The helo began to start up and that's the signal Eis is waiting for.

"Well, I'll be going soon, goodluck with your negotiations with Mr. Wei, Amiya and Mom." Eis teased as he took his bag and began walking towards the helo.

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