Glaive 1-1: Granted, I'm slow in Aging after all.

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Several Years ago before Canon

Walking at the streets of Lungmen, is a young man with hair that looks like cyan and snow, deep black and icy-colored eyes, and a bored look. That's our protagonist.

"Yawwwwn, Too boring.... I'm way too early for the canon.... oh man, please don't tell me I'm gonna be as old as Hellagur if I end up at Rhodes Island." he complained as he took a shortcut in an alleyway.

Well, fate is a bitch, I tell ya.

"Let us go!" a child, around 7-8 years old, shouted.

"Don't hurt my sister!" Another one pleaded.

"Hah, You'll fetch a good amount of money! No way I'll let you two go!" A voice of a cocky drunk man in his late thirties sneered.

This is what our Protagonist stumbled upon while taking a shortcut.

"Huh... Hey Mister! Wha'cha doing?" He shouted, scaring the shit out of the drunk for a second.

"Huwa!? Fella, It's out of your business! Get lost!" the drunk shouted, his appearance consist of a large mass of muscle, and two horns. A Sarkaz.

"Mister, Help us!" The second child called, Her blue hair and red eyes makes her stand out. Our protagonist immediately recognized who that child is, along with the other one, her half sister.

"Well, sir. You're out of luck. [Below Zero]." The white haired youth sighs as suddenly, The Large Sarkaz was stuck in the ice, around -30°. The arm that carries the other child was unaffected, he of course dropped her because of the sudden attack.

"Ooof!" The white haired child fell into the ground, her sister hurrying to check if she's ok.

"Well kid, that's that. Why are you with this idiot here?" The protagonist asked, approaching the siblings.

"We were playing outside at the park when suddenly, this man dragged my sister into an alley.... I just followed them because I cant do anything!" The Draco blue haired girl cried, as her sister comforts her.

"Haaah... what kind of parents leave their child alone... Come on, you two. Show me the way to your house." He said as he lifted the two to his shoulder, Suprising them.

"Wooooow, Look Chen! We're so tall!" The white haired girl said to her sister, now named Chen.

"Hick! Y-Yeah! We're so high up.... Hey Mister turn right after you crossed the intersection at the park." Chen said, rubbing her tears off her eyes.

After some times, they ended up in the front of a mansion.

"That's some huge mansion.... Well kids, here's your drop off." He said, gently dropping the kids to the ground.

"Thank you sir!" Tallulah, the other kid as Our protagonist learned and guessed, cheerfully and thankfully said.

"Yes sir.. Thanks." Chen said with a slightly smaller voice.

"Hoh? You two are back from playing?" A Powerful voice boomed from the porch of the mansion.

"Ah! Uncle Wei!" Chen and Tallulah excitedly raced towards the big man. The one who'll be the chief executive of the Lungmen in the future.

"Well, sometimes, you should look after those two, 'Uncle Wei'" Our protagonist smiled as he waved the two off to their uncle.

"And who are you, young man?" Wei asked suspiciously.

"Ah, Just passing by when I saw Young Tallulah being dragged roughly by a drunk Sarkaz and Young Chen asking for that person to drop her." He swiftly dodged the question about his identity.

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