Glaive 1-3: Curry.

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Rhodes Island Cafeteria 1, The Next Day

'Can't I have a break....' Eis mentally grunted as he see the cafeteria being almost full, surprisingly.

Wearing a shorter hoodie of RI, he swiftly made his way to the counter.

"Ah, what's your order?" a heavy masculine voice came from the right as a tall chad of a man peeked from behind something.

"Curry please, the very spicy one."

The chad man lowered his body to look at the counter, revealing his horns. Of course Eis knows who this is with his Meta knowledge about the operators.

"Alright, One Extra Spi—Is this the Nian's spicy?" Matterhorn asked curiously as Eis nodded.
"Huh, and i thought only Nian can take that." He muttered as he went to work.

Eis doesn't really care about that detail, he really needs something to jumpstart [Aria] back, the frozen dragon was tired after what it did yesterday.

He inadvertently began observing the people happily or silently eating... and he didn't notice he unconsciously slipped into daydreaming.

"Aria! What the heck, you took my tofu again!" Bart yelled, his blonde hair generating some electricity as he look at me, his fist bent the table a little bit.

"Did I took your wimpy food? No." I countered as I'm already content with my Spicy curry.

"Why You—" annnd he got punched into the face by Hershey, her small fist packing more power than it looks.

"Why won't you shut up, you fucking donkey." Hershey said as she sat down and began eating her own food, some kind of salad.

"T-That hurts you know?" Bart complained as he rubs his nose.

I sense both Captain and Heckler, as they approach our seats.

"You're being way too loud." Heckler said as he sat down besides me, with a big plate of meat and a 1.5L of water.

Ace laughs as he took a sit besides Hershey, with a decent looking amount of food. finally something normal. "That's fine, you 4 need to loosen up, we just finished a job so it's important to relax your mind."

"Haai~" The three simultaneously answered as I busied myself into emptying my bowl.

"Aria, you're monolouging again." Heckler pointed out as he poked my cheek. It instantly get zapped as he immediately retracted it back. "Gee...."

"I know, now—"


"—is... Mr Eis!" a voice of a certain cautus brought me out of my reminiscent of 'her' past during Babel.

"Ah, Little Amiya, what can i do for you?" I looked behind me to see Matterhorn still cooking then back to Amiya who have a little look of suprise.

"A-A-a! Good morning Mr. Eis, Dr. Kal'tsit is waiting at her office later, at 9." she said as she waved her hands around to shrug off the suprise.

"Got it...Care to eat breakfast with me right now? I'm having curry." I extended a invite, her eyebrow furrowed as she looks at the simmering curr—wait when did that got here?

"That was fast." I said as Matterhorn gave me a thumbs up.

"Of course, I pride myself not only as a servant for Master Silverash, but as a cook aswell. It's only natural to have speed and efficiency when cooking." He said as he waved and gave a nod to Amiya.

"Anoooo-Alright, It's not going to hurt our schedule I hope, two more bowl of curry please!" Amiya said as she turns around to Doctor Steve who was just silently standing there, Drax will be proud his technique is being used perfectly.

"Are you fine, Doctor?" I asked, as he looks at me with a complicated look.

"Did we meet before I was placed at the Sarcophagus?" He asked bluntly.

Huh... Interesting...Not.

"Nope, I joined Rhodes Island about a year ago." I said as I took my Bowl. We began walking trying to find a empty table...


We found a table, but the damm coincidence, the same table with the bent part was right in front of me. I chose to sit at where Aria always sit with both Amiya and the Doctor at the front of me.

"Thanks for the food." I muttered as I began eating the curry. the strong scent and taste burning my throat and making my body feel alive.

I noticed the Doctor looking at me strangely.

"What?" I didn't do something wrong.

"You can eat that?!" Doctor exclaimed. "Just from the smell I feel like I'm going to pass ou—Amiya?!"

Suprisingly, Amiya was eating the same spicy curry at a moderate pace.

"What? You used to eat this aswell..." She said, her ears twitching and drooping abit. The Doctor panicked as he began apologizing to Amiya, I found this scene rather hilarious. and nostalgic.



Another short chapter made while I'm in class.

Stay safe out there


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