Glaive 2-2

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The Next day, a Foggy Morning, still in Lungmen.

Eis was perched at the top of a building at the slums, observing anything out of order... well there is one....

"Are they seriously going to try and cause trouble here this?!" Eis muttered to himself as he observed a small Réunion group arguing with another group that most likely is from the Slums inner part.

Eis sighed as he drops down from the building straight into a bed of a truck filled with decommissioned pillows, and starts to run toward the scene, he's wearing a white coat and a cap instead of the one he wore yesterday.

As he got closer the voices got clearer and more louder.

"Why can't we go here?! We're trying to help you! You guys that are being oppressed! Those bastards are going to dispose of you sooner or later!" The Réunion captain argued.

The people of the slums are, understandably, irritated. They're poor, but they're not dumb, accepting their offer will get them hunted by the LGD more than usual.

" Like I told you, We're. Not. Interested. Leave us and the slums alone!" The guy in the front, acting as the speaker of the slums, shouted back.

Eis looked around for any familiar face, but saw none.

"I guess i have to intervene myself then...." Eis sighed as he turns his attention back to the Réunion, who is fuming mad.

"Oh, so you're not accepting it and siding with them?! THEN DIE WITH THE—!" Poor guy didn't finished it as he got encapsulated by Ice. the other people behind him became alert and pointed their sword and wands towards the slums, who's also equally confused.

" YOU'RE GONNA PAY FO—!" Réunion #2 didn't finish what they're gonna say as they got frozen as well. One of them starts to visibly shake in fear.
"I-It looks like the Yeti Squad!" He squeaked.

Eis's interest piqued. So he dropped behind the guy with a Ice Dagger.

"Oh? Are they here~?" He asked as he puts the dagger dangerously at their neck. The Other Réunion turned around and froze at the sight of their teammate being held in knife point.

"Don't move. One wrong move, and he's a goner." Eis warned. "Now, answer it." He pressed the dagger more intently.

"T-They're not here! They're still at Chernobog!" The poor fella said with fear.

"Haaah, just as I thought... Alright, listen up. I'll let you guys go, unfreeze those two, and get the fuck out of here. I don't care if you say about me to your big boss Tallulah, hell I'll even say a message to her....
'You should give up that ancient plan.' Alright? " Eis say, pressing the cold dagger once again. Everyone just agreed. He unfreezed the other two, and slowly made sure they're leaving the slum.

Once they're gone, he looked at the Slums residents.

" Alright, shows over. Everyone back to whatever you're doing before this." Eis says as he began leaving. "Oh and if the old man comes around once again, say hi for me, will ya?" He added before completely leaving.


A few hours later, Rhodes Island Meeting Room #13

Eis is waiting for the meeting for the operation to start, he's along with other operators is sitting at a office turned into a meeting room. looking around, he noted who are those.

'Liskarm, Franka, Metal(Defender), Argo(Caster), Copperhead(Guard), Meredith(Vanguard).... I'm suprised Ace's team is not here.' Eis thought. 'I know PL got called as well in case of emergency, but.....isn't this lacking?'

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