Glaive: 2-1

471 21 3

Lungmen, A week after Eis arrived:

He watched as his watch ticks to 9 of the evening, and looks up as a Helicopter lands down, the Visible logo of Rhodes Island at it's side.

Both the Doctor and Amiya came out together, the Doctor wearing his mask as usual, while Amiya is trying to act seriously. Eis knows it's showtime and puts on a blank mask with two holes as a eye and a very disturbing smile painted on it, He began walked towards the two.

"Boss." He greeted them, making the Doctor jolt and look at Eis's direction, with Amiya almost snapping at breakneck speed and using/readying her Arts.

"Ah! Glaive! Please don't scare us like that again." Amiya says as she huffed.

"Y-Yeah, that almost killed me..." the Doctor complained.

Eis shrugged, wearing the Rhodes Island Operator Uniform, and with the mask on, he certainly look like someone with evil intentions.

"Heads up, the escorts are here." Glaive says, as he gestured towards at their front, a blue haired woman with horns and two swords walking towards them.

"Rhodes Island, you're late for 5 minutes." She says first.

"Madam Chen, right? Sorry for the late arrival, air traffic control is a little rough." Amiya explained.

Chen scoffed and looked at Eis , one of her arm hovering dangerously at the handle of the black sword.

"And this is Operator Glaive, I assume? Doesn't look suspicious at all" Chen said with sarcasm dripping dangerously.

'Yeah this girl definitely took that habit from me... yikes.' Eis thought  "Mhm." he just hummed in affirm.

"Don't worry, Madam Chen, Glaive is a very trustworthy person, is one of the most reliable operators out here right now." Amiya defended Eis as he tilts his head slightly to the right.

"So there's a very unreliable person in the RI then, Boss?" Eis asked/joked in German, he also slightly altered his voice to sound a little deeper. He doesn't need the Lung doubting herself here.

"Eh?! No ofcourse not! Everyone is reliable in the Landship!" Amiya immediately corrected Eis, not even noticing it's a joke.

"It's a joke, Young Lady." Eis switched back to Victorian as he looked at Chen. "It's nice to meet you, Madam." He bowed and immediately stood up straight. "We have enough discussion, we shall move."

Chen stares at Glaive, before nodding and gesturing them to follow her.

A commotion disturbed their walk as they passed by a woman with a child and a officer arguing.

"No! I won't let my child be out of my sight!" The woman shouted, holding the child

"Ma'am, this is a proper procedure. We need to test both of you to confirm you're not infected." The officer explains, although their voice is getting more annoyed.

Chen noticed this and approached the.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Ma'am, this woman right here refuses to leave her child for the test." The officer saluted at Chen. the Lung looked at the two.

"Ma'am, it won't take five minutes to do the Oripathy test—" Chen tries to explain but the woman cutted her off

"And what? increase the chance of my child getting kidnapped? Or me getting false-positive?!" The woman shouted, her grip on the kid tightening and the kid tapped her.

"Ma! It hurts!" the child complained.

Eis stepped in before things even go out of control.

"It's alright now Ma'am, I'll assure you, this child would be safe when you return." He says as he seemingly appear right behind them.

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