Aria 0-1: Like Father, Like Daughter

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Several people seems to be in hurry as they go through the hallway, the unfinished wall paint seemingly adds into the eerie feeling at the air.

Among the crowd is a girl with Bright Red hair and eyes that is as dark as the depths of ocean (not that anyone can actually go there...) her black and blue coat fluttering as they strides towards a chamber.

Her team captain signals them to stop as he goes in alone. Everyone else is worried about him of course, he's going there alone, facing Their Majesty and her right hand man who's known for his ruthless methods.

a few minutes has passed....

Well, except for 'Whitey', she's getting impatient that she decided to use her 'power' to eavesdrop at the room.

"-expected, the results are all according to the calculations and plan. Well done, Ace." the Male voice, who's only known as Doctor.

"Yes, well done. With this success, the supplies for the reconstruction of Rhodes Island should be coming soon." another voice, a female one spoke. "That's all, dismiss."

Footstep echoes as it nears the door but 'Whitey' Subtly let her little power eavesdrop abit more, it's gonna tell her everything later, anyway.

"Captain! You're alive!" one of her teammate, a Blond Sarkaz, jokingly greeted Ace as he exits the chamber.

"Yuuup~! How lucky!" another one, a Black-haired 'Durin' as they classify themselves, but 'Whitey' just calls them Not-blue-Smurfs because it's funny.

"Give us the news, I want to rest...." a dark pink haired Sankta with Red halo muttered as he stands up from the hallway.

"Nothing, besides a job well done." Ace said, grinning "It looks like you'll live another day eh?" he turns towards 'Whit- "You're monolouging again, aren't you, Little Aria?" he teased, which everyone laughed at.

"I'm. Not. A. Fucking. Child." Aria growled, glaring daggers at Ace.

"Haha, like father, like daughter. Come on, let's get some rest." Ace led his back into the dorms.

As everyone chatted, Aria's mind was thinking about what Ace said about her and her father...

'Like father like daughter huh.... I wonder about that.'
She's barely like her father.... she's always going to be like her Papa... oh how she actually miss him, being ripped from Earth is quite troublesome after all.

But first of all, She want sleep.

------------------------- Shadow of her former self
Pulled from the void of the world
Came across a whole new continent
Unknown to anyone, but to herself.

She have seen pain and suffering...
Victories and Defeat, and yet...
She can't find her Fate.

-Opening Page of the Diary [Herr Memories and Journey across this World] by Aria ▅▅▅▅


Annnnd cut! Another Chapter done and out of my mind!

Oh wow, another randomeee Chapter!

Nope, it ain't.

I have a timeline now and Yes, this and [Glaive] chapters are connected.

It should be obvious which goes first and last.

anyways, don't expect a stable schedule for update

I may or may not have a exam next week sooooo~~


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