Glaive 1-5: Combat Test

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The Next Day

Eis woke up with a surprisingly good mood, and have just finished taking a bath and shaved.

He immediately putted on his clothes, sandy pants, gray sneakers, a white t-shirt, and a black sweater. His hair is also neatly combed, he finally putted on his glasses and smiled at the mirror

 His hair is also neatly combed, he finally putted on his glasses and smiled at the mirror

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"Gee, I'm really excited to be in combat again, huh?" Eis wondered out aloud, before grabbing his headphones and phone, which is one of the few things that he still have from back in Earth.

He began blasting a shitpost named "bad piggies drip.mp4" and made his way to the cafeteria, which is understandably packed again.

He noticed some of the operators and other employees looking at him, he just nodded at them in greeting, wondering if he really looks different with his beard...

Arriving at the kitchen counter, he noticed Matterhorn looking suprised at him.

"Sir Eis?" Matterhorn asked.

"Same order as yesterday, please?" Eis asked as he took off the headphones and turned off the music.

Matterhorn didn't move yet, and Eis raised his eyebrow.

"You look really different with the beard, and young too." Matterhorn explained, as he snaps out of it and began to work with the Spicy breakfast that Eis ordered.

"Wait, really? Huh, this quirk of my arts is really annoying..." Eis muttered, knowing the implications and possibilities of his slow-aging looks.

His phone buzzed, and a message from "Phoenix" just came.

[From: Phoenix
    She managed to get the job done, but Mostima seems want to talk to the old rat.                  ]

Eis began typing his reply

[To: Phoenix
    I have no clue what she want with the Old man, not my problem as long as you're not in danger. ]

[To: Phoenix
    Also, I have a combat test today, I got promoted as a Operator. Wish me luck.               ]

Eis looked up and sees his ready to be eaten breakfast at his front.  He pocketed his phone and said his thanks to Matterhorn as he made his way to find a table.

He looked around and sees Ace eating alone, he began walking toward the Elite Operator.

"Yo, Sir Ace." Eis greeted, as he reached his table.

Ace looked up and froze for a second, before snapping out of it.

"Eis?" Ace asked hesitantly.

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