Glaive 1-4: Phone Call from a Observer and The Boss

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A few minutes after Breakfast

Eis was walking at the corridor towards Kal'tsit Office, he thinks at what the old linx want...

"Dr. Kal'tsit, I'm here..." He knocks at the door, a few seconds later, it opens, revealing Kal'tsit office/lab separated by glass.

"Over here, Mr. Eis." Kal'tsit called out from the lab part of her office. As usual, she's currently working on her projects.

"What is it, Dr. Kal'tsit?" Eis walked near the lab, just before the glass.

"Well, I'm wondering if you're fine with the sudden promotion." The Lynx said, looking at him.

"It's totally fine, no worries. This is going to be a nice workout and entertainment, I haven't been in combat for.. what? 4-5 years?" He smiled, remembering some of the good things that happened during those time.

"But what's with the sudden promotion?" Eis inquired.

"We need more manpower, we almost lost most of the teams back during the rescue operation, and atleast 30% of them are currently healing." Kal'tsit looked at Eis,judging his expression.

"I see that... but is that all?" Eis narrowed his eyes at Kal'tsit.

The woman in green sighs, as she sets down what she's working on and walked towards Eis.

"Truth to be told, we just need more leverage at the upcoming meeting at Lungmen with—"

"Wei." Eis eyes sparked with interest. He haven't seen that smoker for awhile. "Understood. I'll be around till then." He said, turning around and starting to leave.  "Is my gear still there?"

"Yes, it's going to be sent to you tomorrow. And you're about to get another Combat Test tomorrow." Kal'tsit informed him as he steps out of the door. "Good luck."

"Yes Mooom!" Eis shrugged as the door behind him closed. He then looked at his phone, and sees a message from a unknown number.

[From: Unknown

Call me as soon as you're free.]

"She changed numbers." he hummed as he walks back towards the dorm and dialed up the number, it was ofcourse picked up immediately.

"Eis." a female voice answered.

"What codename are you going in for this time? Or are you still going with 'Suffering' ?" He asked immediately, grinning at his attempt on teasing.

"In-fact, Yes! She is still going with that!" another Woman's voice, a cheery one, answered from the background.

"Shhh! Woman, don't talk!" Suffering(?) chided at the other woman.

"It seems that you're still babysitting Black Halo" Eis said. "Well, what's with the new phone number?"

"Accidentally destroyed." Suffering(?) answered.

"Accidentally? I'm doubting that." Eis chuckled slightly.

"It was. a. Accident." Suffering(?) sternly said, sticking with her answer over the phone.

"Fine fine~!" He chuckled before smiling with worry. "Are you ok? Are you fine?"


"Yes, I'm fine, nothing really major happened with our last mission, besides a few mafia..." Suffering(?) started, recounting some of their encounter that somehow also got her dragged.

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