Chapter 3

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After we arrived at Hogwarts, Dumbledore gave his yearly speech and just like every other year he introduced us to our new teacher of defence against the dark arts, Professor Umbridge. After dinner we all went to the common room while most students decided to go to their dorms, I and the twins stuck around a little longer. 

"Alright I don't know about you two but I'm going to bed," George says with a yawn. I look at the clock and see that it's only 10 o'clock. "How come you so tired this early," I ask him, knowing that he is the last one to go to sleep most of the time. "I don't know, Bell. Maybe because I've been up since 5 in the morning? " He says sarcastically while getting up leaving me and Fred alone. "Night." He says before closing the door of his dorm. Fred and I were now the only ones left in the common room sitting in awkward Silence. 

"So, Bell?" Fred breaks the silence. "what is going on between you and George?"

"What do you mean?" I ask with a puzzled expression. 

"Well..." He starts while a grin appears on his lips. "You two are pretty close lately so I Just taught..." 

"No, No We are just friends" I answer quickly. How could he even think that George and I had a 'thing'? He's like a brother to me. 

The grin on his face only became wider and at the way, he looked at me, I could tell that he didn't believe a word of what I said. I hate the way he grins at me but at the same time, he looked so handsome with his wide brown eyes looking right into my blue ones. I felt my knees go weak just at the way he looked at me and the only thing I wanted to do was kiss him, letting him see that I didn't feel anything for his brother, letting him see what I am feeling since 3rd year, but then it popped into my head. A thought that made me feel sick, something that holds me back when I try to talk to him every time it's around.

Angelina Johnson.

Of course, I don't blame him for loving someone of his age or for loving someone so beautiful. But, I do kind of blame him for loving such a slut. I mean everyone knows that when they have a little fight about something stupid, she just cheats on him with the first cute guy walking past her. Not to mention that she's a total bitch all the time, even when you were always nice to her as soon as you talk to Fred, she'll always be mean to you. 

"I seriously don't like George that way, he's my best friend and nothing more or less." As soon as those words left my mouth he rolled his eyes saying: " Okay if you say so." He looked at me and gave me a wink before turning his head to look at the stairs where George had disappeared a half-hour ago. "I think I'll go to bed then. See you tomorrow?" I just nod watching him going up the stairs towards the boys' room but before he completely disappears he turns back to look at me "Don't stay up too late, Potter." And with a last good night, he disappeared into the boys' bedroom. 

I stayed in the common room for another hour, not wanting to go to the room where I didn't have any friends. I don't feel like having them look at me like I was a freak, a coward, a slut... You know, the shit girls tell about others whenever they're mad at someone.

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