chapter 8

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"You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?" We were in potions class when Professor Umbridge came in to ask Snape some questions or something. I wasn't paying attention. It was more than a week ago that I was crying on my brother's shoulder, but he hadn't left my side ever since that moment. not once. I know that he's only looking out for me and that he just wants to stand up for me whenever someone says something to me but he's getting on my nerves. seriously. I'm tired of that whole protective older brother shit. When is he going to understand that I can handle myself, that I don't need him to fight my fights, that I'm a big girl who doesn't need protection from some silly girls? 

I got out of my thoughts as Ron got a slap with a book from Snape. "What did I miss?" I ask my brother in a whisper. Harry, trying to keep himself from laughing at his best friend, looks at me with a little confusion in his eyes. "Aren't you paying attention, little sis?" he asks me. I really hate that nickname. "I got lost for a while, it's not like that never happened to you before." I hissed earning a little nod from Harry in agreement. "And for the millionth time, we are the same bloody age. Stop calling me little sis." I can see how hard my brother is trying to hold back his laughter. "Okay, first of all, I'm older than you so I can call you whatever I want.....Little sis." If the Dark Arts teacher's not going to kill him anytime soon I'll kill him myself. "And You didn't miss anything special. Ron was laughing with Snape after Umbridge successfully embarrassed him." He explains while we're packing our stuff to go to the commons. "So I zoom out for 5 minutes and I miss the best part of class?" I ask in unbelieve earning a laugh and a ruffle in my hair from Harry.

When Harry and I walk into the commons we see Fred sitting on the couch, alone. It had been weeks since the fight between him and Angelina, normally their fights don't last longer than 2 days. But not this time. They haven't spoken to each other in over a week. I wonder if they are still together. I mean, I've seen Angelina flirting with other guys but that doesn't mean anything. She always flirts with other guys when she and Fred fight. It hurts me to see Fred this way, he doesn't talk that much or laugh. I barely see him eat and I doubt that he is getting any sleep. George told me that he'll get better eventually but that still doesn't change the fact that he isn't himself anymore, and I hate Angelina for doing this to him. "should we go upstairs and leave him alone?" Harry's voice interrupts my train of thought. "Or do you want to stay here?" He asks, voice barely above a whisper only for me to hear. "I'm going to talk to him. I think he can use it." I answer my brother quickly. "You can go upstairs if you want, I'm sure Ron wouldn't bother the company," I suggest knowing that ever since I had my little breakdown he and Ron hadn't spent that much time together. "You sure?" He asks with a little concern in his voice. I nod in response before heading to Fred. 

"Hi," I say quietly as I come into Fred's hearing distance. He looks up from the floor and gives me a sad smile as hello. "You okay?" I sit down next to him looking at the side of his head as he focuses on the fireplace. "Don't worry about me, Bell. I can handle myself." He avoids my question. "That's not an answer, Fred. Besides, that you can 'handle yourself' doesn't mean I'm not worried about you." I argue back at his statement. "I'm fine Bell. It's not the first time Angie and I got in a fight." he sighs as the words leave his mouth. "It's the first time it lasted more than a week. And if I'm completely honest, you don't look good." Fred reached for his hard and opened his mouth in disbelief letting out an overdramatic gasp. "Auch, Bell. Never expected to hear such an insult." He says over dramatically letting out a little laugh just like me. "Not what I meant but now that you say it..." I tease him as he rolls his eyes at me. "Thank you, Bella. You know how to make someone feel good about themselves." He states sarcastically. "But seriously, you sure you're okay?" I ask him with concern in my voice. He slowly nods his head. "I'm alright, I just don't get why she's being like this. I mean, you and I have been friends since the day we met. She knows I care too much about you to just banish you from my life." He says honestly still not meeting my eyes. "Look-" I start but my sentence gets interrupted by someone storming into the common room. 

Fred and I both turn our heads to look at the person who just stormed in to see Angelina and a boy, I think his name's Kenneth Towler or something, come through the portrait too busy with each other to notice that Fred and I were there too. Fred covers my eyes as they start snogging each other while they're going up the stairs, still not noticing me and Fred. I can hear a door shut close when Fred takes his hand away from my eyes. He let out a frustrated sigh focusing his eyes on the floor. "I'm sorry, Fred," I say in a whisper. "This isn't the first time she did that, isn't it?" He asks me. I can hear his heartbreak as he tries to stay strong. I slowly shake my head no. Tears start to meet his eyes but he doesn't let them fall down his face. He visibly swallows and puts his face in his hands. "God, I'm so stupid. I should've believed Ron and all the others who tried to warn me." He says more to himself than to me. "You didn't know, Fred." I start, getting a little closer to him to put my hand on his back and try to make him look at me. "It's not your fault that you trusted her. You don't choose who you fall in love with." With that, he finally looks up, and for the first time, he meets my eyes. His eyes are red as he still tries to cover the tears in his eyes. I look into his big brown eyes seeing nothing but a broken 7th year. As I look into his eyes I can see he isn't looking into mine. His eyes are focused on another part of my face and before I can figure out what he's looking at, he slams his soft lips roughly against mine.

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