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| January 25th, 2021 |

[ So here's a quick rundown of notes for this chapter:

- Majority will only be discussions of the ex-lover

- Ex-lover will be as gender-neutral as possible with the most generic gender-neutral names

- If your name is used, I apologize. You can replace the name with anything else

- Pronouns used will be she/her, I will make sure to edit that in the description after publishing this chapter

- Introduction of nicknames

I hope you enjoy the chapter. ]

~ Classic Sans ~

Ever since your date with Sans, things have been going great between you two. You both became very comfortable with each other, although it hasn't gotten to the point where you'd say "I love you" to each other. Nope, hasn't gotten that serious yet. But it's fine, especially since you've only had your first date not that long ago. But, of course, there was always something that had to ruin your happiness for a bit.

You didn't even know how they had found you. You had blocked them on everything; phone number, social media, anything you could think of. You didn't even talk to them for a few years. But here they were, your ex-lover from a few years ago standing in front of you as you were wiping a glass cup clean.


"(Y/n)." The tension in the air was rather heavy.

"It's been a while," Bailey commented.

"It certainly has." You made sure to keep your answer short and simple. You definitely didn't want to see them again.

"I've missed-"

"No, don't." You quickly interrupted, glaring at them with all your might. "Don't give me that. You had your chance those years ago, but ruined it with that person you told me not to worry about."

"Listen, I'm sorry. I really am. But I've changed now, really. I'm different than before."

"I highly doubt that since you still dress like you're still in high school." The establishment had been silent for a while. A few monsters glanced over while the humans tried to mind their business, but were obviously listening.

"Listen, I am trying to be nice to you and you won't even give me a chance."

"Why should I when I've moved on and found someone better?"

"You already found another? Didn't think you'd move on that quick." And there it was, the true feelings of the person you dated for a long while. You had known them long enough to know when they're trying to use their tactics, and your hunch was correct for not believing when they said that they changed.

"I am not going to fall victim to you again, Bailey. Now leave."

"Come on, you know you missed me. You know you want me."

"Like hell I do-"

"Heeey, sorry I'm late. Some ass doesn't know how to park apparently." You were interrupted when Sans walked in, not noticing the heavy atmosphere and the deathly silent establishment at first. "Uh...what's going on here?" He questioned, looking over at you and Bailey. Biting your lip, you gave a small sigh.

"Nothing, Sans. They were just leav-" You were then interrupted when Bailey gripped your wrists tightly, pulling you close to them.

"Nothing, short stacks. I was just visiting my bae on her break."

Sans AUs x Reader: Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now