How You Met (pt. 1)

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[ For part 1, it will go from Classic to Dream. Part 2 will go from Nightmare to Fresh. The reason it is split into two parts is that I kept writing too much for certain Sanses and I had trouble stopping...enjoy! ]

| April 09, 2020 |

~ Classic Sans ~

It was another beautiful day in the small town of Ebott, resting outside of the mysterious forest that surrounded the so-called cursed mountain at the bottom. Legends would say that those who wondered the cursed mountain never returned. For centuries the story went on, being told for generations until the year 201X, where a little child had wandered too far into the mountain and made it out safe and sound, and this time, no longer being alone. Behind the child were hundreds of monsters that followed them out of the mountain.

At first, the town was not ready for the monsters, demanding them to return back to their mountain. But after having several meetings and a long while of getting used to them, they accepted the monsters and allowed them to stay. After a year has passed, more restaurants and homes had opened up, the most popular ones being Grillby's and Muffet's, one being a burger and fries establishment and the other a donut and pastry shop. And with new shops, there were bound to be plenty of job openings.

That was where our (Y/n) was currently doing. As a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair stood in the middle of Grillby's and Muffet's, trying to decide at which establishment to work at. She hummed in thought, her (e/c) eyes scanning her mini notebook that held notes of both places. Upon her shoulders sat two parakeets, one being a shamrock green with yellow-green underneath while the other was a bright Robin's egg blue with white underneath as well. After looking over at her notes, she turned towards both her parakeets on her shoulders.

"What do you two think? Should I work at Muffet's or Grillby's?" Only getting their usual chirping in response, she nodded. "Perhaps I should... hm...I suppose it's a 50/50 chance either way." With a soft sigh, she turned away and started to head in the direction of her home. Upon leaving, the parakeet that was a shamrock green had taken off flying towards the direction of Grillby's. With her heart skipping a beat, she was quick to turn herself around and run after the bird as she held onto the blue on. "Shamrock!! Get back here!"

The woman called out to the bird as she dodged as many monsters and people as she could before tripping on her own feet and falling right into the back of the person in front of her. With a groan, she stood herself up as she processed what had happened. Her eyes widened once she pieced together the puzzle. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't see the bump in the sidewalk." She was quick to apologize as the monster she had bumped into turned around. He stood at about 5'7, wore a blue jacket with a gray hood, a white t-shirt with black shorts that had a singular black stripe on both sides, socks that were folded over at his ankles with pink house slippers.

Once he faced you, you apologized once more before noticing your parakeet, Shamrock, in his boney hands. "Shamrock!" You gently took the bird away from him, holding her close. "Shamrock, why would you do that..? You had Aella here all worried..." After a moment of chirping, you sighed before Shamrock rested on your shoulder beside the blue parakeet, who was named 'Aella'. You looked up at the skeletal monster in front of you. "I am genuinely so sorry for all of that. I was just looking at these places to decide which to work for and then Shamrock-" You were cut off by deep chuckling. His shoulders shook, eye sockets closed as he laughed with a semi-deep voice, confirming that he was indeed male. Thankfully, you hated assuming one's gender, even if it was physically obvious.

"Hey, it's no problem, kid. Little birdie of yours kept me company for a bit." You released a breath of air that you held, giving a soft smile. "So, debating which of these places to work at, huh? Well, if I were ya, I'd work at good ol' Grillbz. He makes the best burgers and fries. Muffet's good and all, but nothing beats a good juicy burger to sink your teeth in." Your smile grew wider.

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