His Brother's Opinion of You

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| October 27th, 2020 |

~ Classic Sans ~

At first, Papyrus was curious about you when Sans explained that he had found another human friend that he can stay with. Surprised that his brother managed to find another friend so quickly, he was curious as to what you were like. After all, you must meet all of The Great Papyrus' standards if he were to trust you with his brother all alone.


He adores you.

Simply after one meeting, answering a few questions, and questioning at just how well you could cook spaghetti, he was quick to declare you worthy of Sans' roommate. Especially since you've gotten him to keep his part on cleaning the house when it was needed. He was impressed!

After the two of you became good friends, he talked about you with Undyne and Alphys, wanting their views of how things were going between his brother and his second favorite human [ Frisk being first- ]. Alphys couldn't help start shipping his friend and his human friend. Perhaps they'll get the chance to meet you soon.

~ Underswap Sans ~

At first, Papyrus was weary if you. He didn't know if you were aware of the constant resets, timelines, or the runs that occurred whenever Chara got bored. After getting to know you, he learned that you were not aware of what happened in this world. This brought great relief to him and he started to warm up to you.

After seeing how his brother gets around you, he deemed you worthy of being with Sans. Once he got used to you living around the house with them, he came to like you a lot and has deemed you worthy as a good friend.

~ Underfell Sans ~

At first, he thought his lazy brother had actually captured a human and was bringing you to him for him to deliver for the king. So he was rather surprised when he saw that Sans kept you away from him. After a bit of arguing, they came to the agreement that you were too sick to be taken into the king. Which led to them bickering about where you should rest. At first, Sans suggested his room, but Papyrus scoffed at the thought since he couldn't even get his own bedsheets onto the mattress. The couch would be too hard on your back and wouldn't allow you to get much rest, so they settled with you sleeping in Papyrus' bed.

Soon afterward, Papyrus did his best to take care of you while Sans had to continue working at his sentry station. Already, his first impression of you deemed you worthy to be killed for your soul, but also too great to be killed. He loved your attitude, your hostile behavior towards him, and just the way you utter a small thanks as he brings you something to eat.

He accepts you well and is actually willing to become friends with you. Just don't embarrass him in public and he may let you live.

~ SwapFell Sans ~

Papyrus was rather friendly with you once you started living with the two of them. It's a safe bet to say that the two of you become best friends quickly. He especially loves your small hamster, Teddy. And whenever Sans isn't around, the two of you would bake small sweets for the two of you to enjoy, of course leaving some for Sans for when he finishes his patrol.

~ Ink Sans ~

Since he didn't trust much of anybody, you were kept a secret to avoid the possibility of Error finding out. However, Dream did accidentally stumble his way into your room when you just got out of the shower. After apologizing numerous times, Ink explained the situation to him and asked him to not tell anyone else about you. Understanding, Dream agreed, and when Ink was off doing his usual runs, Dream often kept you company when he wasn't busy himself. The two of you became friends rather quickly.

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