His Feelings For You

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[ Bruh, I swear, school has been fuckin' me in the ass and it's making it harder to update this thing. Updates are going to be slower than usual, so I sincerely apologize about that- And you'll prolly be able to tell which of the stories might seem a bit rushed, so I'm double sorry for that- ]

| September 26th, 2020 |

~ Classic Sans ~

Today was pretty much the usual for Sans. Waste the day away with naps, hanging around the parakeets, or simply having a walk around the neighborhood to get to know the layout. Although the nights played out differently; stay up late to stargaze. There wasn't much in a way of stars in the underground, only the shiny stones that stayed on the roof of Waterfall that glistened from the soft glow of the echo flowers and from the water that would occasionally splash up to give the stones a glossy finish.

During the nights Sans would stargaze, a lot of thoughts ran through his mind. Firstly, he was out of the underground once more. Second, he had to take the time to enjoy it while he can until Frisk would grow bored and reset once again. Whether it'd be a genocide or a pasifist was beyond him. But then again, after so long, it didn't surprise him anymore. The only thing that ever stayed the same was the harsh pain he had to feel whenever he was too late to save his sweet brother. Sans shook his head, not wanting to think such nasty thoughts while he was enjoying the cool night.

Then, another thought came to mind. This time being you.

In the past runs, whenever they were all freed from their prison and they started settling in, he had taken notice of you before. In fact, the two of you had a small conversation in the past while you were both at a grocery store. He was aware of your title, your appearance, and, for some odd reason, your favorite snack. Crackers with some of that cheese in a can that you would squeeze out from the tip. [ Or if you want, you can change it. It just sounds really good for a 2 AM snack- ]

He thought you were interesting, to say the least. Interestingly enough that made him consider the idea of befriending you. Greeting you, however, would have been a challenge if it weren't for a certain little bird.

He was forever grateful for Shamrock to fly away from you and over to him. It was as if fate wanted to give him a break and to let him have a chance. It was a chance he is willing to take.

Sitting up from the cool tiles of the roof, he rested his chin upon his hand as he thought about you more. His everlasting smile growing softer, more genuine as memories played in his head. The way you had a determined look on your face whenever you worked, the way your eyes lit up and sparkled whenever you saw any sort of delicious food, even if it was junk food. And the way you would occasionally run your hand through your soft and fluffy looking hair whenever you were deep in concentration or tired after having another rough day.

He didn't know what it was, but, there was just something about you that made you more special than any human he's encountered in the past. It made him happy to be close to you, hell, even living with you made his own soul skip a beat because then he was even closer than ever before.

It wasn't long until he pieced together what he was feeling. This feeling where your stomach had a sort of knot, although it wasn't painful. The way his soul pulsed throughout his body when he heard your laughter at a dumb joke he made. And just how his body seems to freeze up, his cheekbones magically on fire, whenever you gave him a happy smile. With a small sigh, he looked up at the glittery sky above him, a warm smile on his face.

"I have fallen so hard for you, (Y/n), so hard that I could have sprained my knees." He closed his sockets as he prepared to speak of a single wish. "I wish to tell you of my true feelings for you without the fear of you rejecting me, feeling disgusted that a monster fell for a human, and ruining this beautiful friendship that we have together...

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