He Takes Care Of Your Pet(s)

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| March 25th, 2021 |

~ Classic Sans ~

You had started working overtime at Grillby's. Since not many people wanted to work at a monster establishment, you offered to help work overtime even if there wasn't much added to the pay. But with you working longer hours, and sleeping as soon as you got home, there were times you had forgotten about your birds' water and food dishes.

Checking once more to see that you were still napping after another long day of work, Sans silently shut your bedroom door after turning off the lights, making sure to not disturb your rest. He went to the living room where your birds rested in their large cage, seeing the small group of parakeets chirping amongst themselves.

Before you had started working overtime, you both found out that it was best for birds to be within a flock of 4-6, so that they could feel safer and more like a family. So you both went out and looked around for a while until you found two more parakeets that, in your opinion, were perfect.

They were both males; one was mostly white with a sky-blue chest and gray markings on him. He had a skittish type of personality, one of the most easily scared birds you've so far seen. Although he was a boy, you went with 'Periwinkle', but his nickname was 'Peri', pronounced as 'Perry' so that others would know that he's a boy.

The other a bright yellow parakeet with little to no markings. He was quite a chatterbox and only showed curiosity to anyone that approached him. He easily had an extrovert personality, unlike Peri who had an introvert personality.

Since Sans was the one who had found the yellow ball of energy, you decided to let him name the little bird. After a moment of thinking, he confidently named the bird 'Banana'.

Although the name made you snort, you thought it was a cute name. After buying a few more toys, birdseed, and vitamins for the flock, you returned home and allowed the newbies to get used to their new home.

It was about a month ago, but Sans still remembered the day as if it were yesterday. It made him happy that you both got to spend time together, but with you working so hard now, it made it difficult to just sit down and relax with you. But he understands where you're coming from, so he does a few things to help ease you whenever you come home.

Although they were small things, he thought they were important enough to do before they became too big of objects to handle. And taking care of the birds was one of them.

Carefully opening the cage, he greeted the birds with a small smile, letting them fly to a different spot of the cage as he replaced the birdseed. Before closing the cage, he looked over to see that Banana and Shamrock made their way over to him.

"Heh, hey there, little birdies. How are you doing?" Although only getting chirps in response, he nodded as if he understood them. "I see, I see...sounds rough." As he went to set the birdseed aside, he stopped when Banana flew over and landed on his hand, chirping a million a minute. Sans' smile grew wide as he listened to Banana, not expecting Shamrock to fly over and rest on his shoulder.

"Well find me a group of dwarves, I just became the new Snow White." Sans joked as he allowed the small birds to stay on him.

~ Underswap Sans ~

The surface was certainly an exciting place for Swap. He wanted to explore as much as he could while also try as many new things as possible. However, he wasn't expecting you to ask him to watch over Astraea.

At first, he was confused, but when you explained that you had to explain to your boss about your disappearance and the appearance of monsters. When he asked why Astraea couldn't go with you, you explained that your boss did not like dogs, especially big dogs, and with how energetic she was, she was afraid that it would cause a scene.

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