He Meets Your Pet(s)

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| July 10th, 2020 |

~ Classic Sans ~

Although he had accidentally met Shamrock, you figured that now would be a good idea on letting Sans meet your birds properly. It was Sunday afternoon, the only day of the week where you had a break. You didn't mind it. Your job was great, you loved your boss and the customers you served. Plus, the pay was great! It allowed you to have a bit of extra cash in your pocket for when you wanted to get yourself a little something. You had texted Sans a bit ago, inviting him over as you made sure that your place looked good enough to have a guest over. However, before you could do much of anything, a knock was heard at your door. "Who's there?" You asked.

"Adam." You grew confused as this was Sans's voice. 'Is he starting a knock-knock joke?'

"Adam who?"

"Adam my way, I'm coming in!" You paused for a moment before bursting in laughter, opening the door to reveal the skeletal monster that had the cheesiest smile you've ever seen.

"Hilarious, Sans."

"What? I heard you laugh at my joke."

"Did not."

"Did too." You rolled your eyes, giving a playful scoff as you invited him in, walking towards your living room where your birds are currently held in one of their large cages. You opened their cage as they were quick to hop out and take flight around the room. You gave a small smile as you sat down on the couch, watching your parakeets interact with Sans as he watched them with curious eyes.

"So. Who's who?"

"This is Shamrock." You pointed to the green one. "And this is Aella." You pointed to the blue one. "They're both girls." He gave a short nod as he carefully sat down on the couch. The two of you talked for the rest of the day while your parakeets got acquainted with your friend.

~ Underswap Sans ~

After the little accident of revealing yourself to the skeleton brothers, the two were allowed to come in the Ruins with you and Asgore. Although you hung around Sans more while his brother stayed with your fluffy dad. Today, you and Sans were in your room, enjoying a slice of pie as the two of you discussed Sans's taco recipe. After a minute, Sans looked over at Astraea who rested at the foot of your bed, asleep.

Looking over at you, you gave a happy nod as he carefully slipped off your bed and got down to Astraea's level. Being careful, he reached out a hand and started to gently pet your dog. His smile grew bigger as he saw her tail swaying from side to side. As he continued to pet her, he asked you many questions about her, go which you happily responded with. The two of them bonded real quick.

~ Underfell Sans ~

Today, you were thankful for how easy today was going for you. Although, you couldn't help but be suspicious of how easy it was. So far, no one messed with your igloo, you had enough food for the rest of the day, and no one bothered you. You gave a content sigh, resting your eyes as Artemis made himself at home on your chest, fallen deep asleep as he gave off a low purring. This has so far been the perfect day.

"Hey, sweetcheeks, did you finally freeze to death from the cold?" Annnnnd you spoke too soon. You clicked your tongue in annoyance as you opened your eyes to look at him.

"Honestly, I would rather have that than to listen to your pathetic boney ass complain about your job."

"Hey, lighten up, sweetheart." You scoffed as you went back to rest your eyes. After a short minute of silence, Sans spoke once again. "Mind if I come in?" You sighed, well aware that he would make himself at home here anyway.

Sans AUs x Reader: Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now