Small PSA

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Hey, so-
It's been over a month since the last chapter, and I said that I was trying on updating more often for you guys.

My main goal is to update this book every two weeks, and I had planned on sticking to it, but then school finals happened later on in April.

School ends in a little over than a week for me now, and lately I've just been feeling like complete shit.

Everyday seemed to just be worse than the last. Everyday when I wake up, I say to myself "okay, now I really have to write the next chapter. My simps are waiting!"

But then, once I'm fully awake and I have my Google Doc open, absolutely ready to type, I end up not coming up with anything at all for any of the Sanses.
Then it'd start to frustrate me, and then I'd end up closing it and doing something else. Such as wasting the day away on TikTok.

Then when I'm bored of that, I end up having no motivation to do anything.

Like, all I want to do is lay on my bed, stare at my ceiling for hours on end, with some music that I would just tune out, and just feel awful out of nowhere.
Then I'd end up bullying myself about it. "There's literally no reason for you to be like this." "Your life is perfectly fine, you don't have anything to stress over." "It's pathetic to even imagine you breaking down over something so stupid." It's all just been really stupid stuff, for no reason in my opinion. Its all just been weird and dumb.

I'll delete this once I publish the next chapter, I really don't like leaving author notes like this, but it's getting close to not having a chapter even started after almost two months. I didn't want any of you to think that I'm going to disappear and never come back, I'm absolutely coming back to this book.

But for now, I just feel like a shitty human being that has little motivation to get up in the afternoon and actually eat a proper meal. And it's annoying me that I've felt like this for a while already, but I know that if I force myself to do anything, I'll end up hating it and myself and keep away from it for an even longer amount of time.

You may see me update my other book, Open Wounds, a little bit, but that book is a bit easier to write since it's all one story I can focus on and not 13 separate little stories.

I apologize that this isn't an update. I will delete this when I upload another chapter, and hopefully by then I'll be in a better mental state than I am now.

- Lune Moore

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