The Tale of a Search for a New Life

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Many generations ago, in the vast and uncaring desert that is Harad, a spring was discovered that grew into a bright oasis of hope for the despairing Haradrim people. They spent many long years carefully building the towering aqueducts that give life to Harmindon, also aptly named City of Many Waters.

The War of the Ring is long past, and young Jeddah has become the chief breadwinner in her family after her mother's sudden death. With a sister and elderly grandmother to take care of, Jeddah struggles to earn enough for the same happy lifestyle they knew when their mother was living.

However, the unexpected wedding of the Ramyah's son changes their lives, for the better.


(in order of appearance)

JEDDAH - Narrator, a Seamstress

TALIA - her Mother

MIARKA - her Sister

GRANDMOTHER - her Grandmother, on her father's side

THEKLA - a Friend of Jeddah's

TÚRIEN - a Princess of Gondor

SUFYAN - the Ramyah's son

REWAN - a Dealer (in cloths and dyes)

PESAH - a Carpenter

AMIRA - Sister to Thekla

QUFAR - a Driver of Mûmakil


MALBETH - a Lieutenant to Captain Eldarion

HALLAS - a Soldier of Gondor

MEDLITHOR - a Lord of Pelargir

EARINE - his Wife


Recommended to read: Seeds of the White Tree, a Fourth Age tale by GreenScholarTales


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